Seeing Red in Yellow?
Donovan say's that Yellow is the Colour of 'My true Love's Hair', while the Beatles sang 'we all live the life of ease... as 'we all live in a yellow submarine'.
In BolehLand of ole, the colour yellow was associated with royalty and reserved only for use by the ruler of the Kingdom. According to references on symbolism, yellow as in saffron power symbolises the color of Agni or fire, which reflects the Supreme Being. The saffron color is also auspicious to the Sikhs, the Buddhists and the Jains.
Yellow isn't exactly a colour associated with much Godly connectivity but gold is and by its association with the colour yellow, it reflects the eternity. Purple is colour associated with kingship and royalty.
Given that yellow has a Hindu factor, is the yellow so revered as a royal colour in BolehLand today owes its thanks to this Hindu and Indian origin? So, considering that if we accept history that the Sultanate has its origin in Hindu elements, that also depending if the prince of Palembang according to BolehLand's BN version of history, he was very much a Malay first who in his heart was a Muslim really but since wasn't introduced to Islam by some UMNO descendant Muslims, he was a Hindu!Or given how BolehLand is trying to rewrite its history similar to what some Germanic race tried to do that more than half a century ago, it's not surprising that the reverence for yellow is what they will claim 'an asal usul of the Muslim Sultanate confirmed by the present government and any insult to this line of thought may be deemed showing treason against the Royalty and even King, huh?
It is not impossible as we all know the kind of history that has been rewritten not for school kids mind you, but also adults, like the BTN history and those that is mandatory for college and university students, no?
But these days, yellow is also the national colour of BolehLand and many corporations to identify it is brand Malaysia has adopted yellow as its corporate colour. Red has been associa! ted with rather communist connotations and mostly a Chinese, those migrant fellows who came and settled here by invitation of a sovereign power, which incidentally it's flag symbolism has a red cross, hmmm does it mean it must be God's doing that Bolehland has been unfortunately, this yellow coloured land has been tainted 'un-pure' by people elsewhere that the so called 'sons of the soils' at least some would want to revert it to a land that is solely the reserve of theirs and theirs alone, huh?
Yellow colour is used by its largest financial institution with its rival uses dark red for its single colour identity. The telco DIGI is yellow as opposed to its rival in green or blue. And so on.
So yellow evokes a sense of national identity. Which brings to the interesting colour that authorities are seeing red these days especially those spotted wearing yellow. It used to be black that made them red. Now 'Yellow' seems the new black that is pissing them off!!! And the yellow colour is associated with a movement called Bersih with blue characters and its red swoosh!
The July 9 illegal event, as the authorities put it is like giving yellow fever to BN government trying to deal with three illegal rallies, one sporting yellow, the other red, yellow, white and distinct yellow circle and red keris (some say very like Southern neighbour flag sans the white crescent and five stars) we can supposed if they adopt their party flag.
And, the other, well, kind of difficult to predict because its official logo has yellow and green and if its members wore either of this colour, they might be linked to Bersih or the Islamic party that supports Bersih eh? Perhaps they may adopt an earth colour considering its leader is fond of associating his expletives with one of nature's by-products and that most visible symbol the keris which nicely links it to the other group that also uses a keris as its party symbol.
Yellow is the colour of our party we truly love, huh?
So come July 9, the organisations whose corporate colour is yellow best forewarn their employees not to adorn any attire that is yellow, if the present arrest of those wearing yellow with the Bersih logo serve as a warning. Though the authorities initially said they are arresting those who were distributing flyers of the event. But then they did another 'black t-shirt not allowed' action against those who wore the yellow ts with the Bersih logo. That to them is also advertising the event?
So can you wear a Bersih t-shirt on July 9 and go for your marketing or out on a family outing at the mall or even go pray to your God in your house of worship? Just because the rally is illegal why are those wearing Bersih's ts being singled out? What if the other two groups' members similarly wear their party ts and those displaying their logo say today, tomorrow and almost! everyda y including come July 9, will they be similarly arrested like those who wore Bersih's Ts? Will those who wear Bersih's T and logo and not even holding flyers or whatever but just wearing them be harassed and hurled up to the police station?
Will our MOHA be consistent in roughing out anyone who wore ts and logos of the three groups that are planning respective illegal rallies as the police have considered them, or will we only see the usual double or triple standard? Why is the government only seeing red over those who wear yellow ts and a particular logo? And seem lukewarm or unperturbed by anyone wearing red or green logos ts these days leading up to July 9?
Wonder if another group decide to wear their logo which is also red but not the politically correct symbol but that of a rocket or green with a white moon and not the other green of an organisation that also starts with P, will all be harassed huh?
Gosh, it must really be a big headache for MOHA to decide which colour is politically correct on July 9 given that each of the groups planning their rally are sharing similar colour, yellow, red and green, in one form or type face or another!!!
So will the authorities be colour blind and be fair as they claim they will be, or are they pulling wool or rather wearing shades like always this time, it's able to only see yellow which means, trouble, danger and arrest? While red and green is permission to so to speak 'beat the traffic light and get away without any summon at all', huh?
Donovan's yellow is the colour of my true love's hair and probably that's what the Bersih fellos are ok with. But to some, they are pulling their hair off seeing yellow. To those bois in shades of blue, hands clutching their batons, behind the water cannon trucks and finger at the trigger of their weapons armed with tear gas or their hands gripping at their protective shields, they prefer brunette colour and green lanterns and perhaps ready to whack, spray and fire at anyone in yellow, even if! it's su pposed to be the national colour or the reserve of royalty.
And perhaps Madam Tourism is right to spend RM1.8 million to showcase to the world the 'Warna-Warni Malaysia' we are. Come July 9, will we see a sea and riot of colours amongst peace loving BolehLand folks? Are going put a rainbow clash of colours on display for the world to see, with prophylactics, smoke, water and all that huh?
BolehLand fellows led by their leaders, politicians, institutions of law & order and justice make Bolehland, Truly Colourful simply because we are NEVER colour blind, in how we see each others views, ideas, religious belief and especially one's ethnicity.
Welcome to Malaysia, Truly aI-shay Colourful, don't you think folks?
In BolehLand of ole, the colour yellow was associated with royalty and reserved only for use by the ruler of the Kingdom. According to references on symbolism, yellow as in saffron power symbolises the color of Agni or fire, which reflects the Supreme Being. The saffron color is also auspicious to the Sikhs, the Buddhists and the Jains.
Yellow isn't exactly a colour associated with much Godly connectivity but gold is and by its association with the colour yellow, it reflects the eternity. Purple is colour associated with kingship and royalty.
Given that yellow has a Hindu factor, is the yellow so revered as a royal colour in BolehLand today owes its thanks to this Hindu and Indian origin? So, considering that if we accept history that the Sultanate has its origin in Hindu elements, that also depending if the prince of Palembang according to BolehLand's BN version of history, he was very much a Malay first who in his heart was a Muslim really but since wasn't introduced to Islam by some UMNO descendant Muslims, he was a Hindu!Or given how BolehLand is trying to rewrite its history similar to what some Germanic race tried to do that more than half a century ago, it's not surprising that the reverence for yellow is what they will claim 'an asal usul of the Muslim Sultanate confirmed by the present government and any insult to this line of thought may be deemed showing treason against the Royalty and even King, huh?
It is not impossible as we all know the kind of history that has been rewritten not for school kids mind you, but also adults, like the BTN history and those that is mandatory for college and university students, no?
But these days, yellow is also the national colour of BolehLand and many corporations to identify it is brand Malaysia has adopted yellow as its corporate colour. Red has been associa! ted with rather communist connotations and mostly a Chinese, those migrant fellows who came and settled here by invitation of a sovereign power, which incidentally it's flag symbolism has a red cross, hmmm does it mean it must be God's doing that Bolehland has been unfortunately, this yellow coloured land has been tainted 'un-pure' by people elsewhere that the so called 'sons of the soils' at least some would want to revert it to a land that is solely the reserve of theirs and theirs alone, huh?
Yellow colour is used by its largest financial institution with its rival uses dark red for its single colour identity. The telco DIGI is yellow as opposed to its rival in green or blue. And so on.
So yellow evokes a sense of national identity. Which brings to the interesting colour that authorities are seeing red these days especially those spotted wearing yellow. It used to be black that made them red. Now 'Yellow' seems the new black that is pissing them off!!! And the yellow colour is associated with a movement called Bersih with blue characters and its red swoosh!
The July 9 illegal event, as the authorities put it is like giving yellow fever to BN government trying to deal with three illegal rallies, one sporting yellow, the other red, yellow, white and distinct yellow circle and red keris (some say very like Southern neighbour flag sans the white crescent and five stars) we can supposed if they adopt their party flag.
And, the other, well, kind of difficult to predict because its official logo has yellow and green and if its members wore either of this colour, they might be linked to Bersih or the Islamic party that supports Bersih eh? Perhaps they may adopt an earth colour considering its leader is fond of associating his expletives with one of nature's by-products and that most visible symbol the keris which nicely links it to the other group that also uses a keris as its party symbol.

Yellow is the colour of our party we truly love, huh?
So come July 9, the organisations whose corporate colour is yellow best forewarn their employees not to adorn any attire that is yellow, if the present arrest of those wearing yellow with the Bersih logo serve as a warning. Though the authorities initially said they are arresting those who were distributing flyers of the event. But then they did another 'black t-shirt not allowed' action against those who wore the yellow ts with the Bersih logo. That to them is also advertising the event?
So can you wear a Bersih t-shirt on July 9 and go for your marketing or out on a family outing at the mall or even go pray to your God in your house of worship? Just because the rally is illegal why are those wearing Bersih's ts being singled out? What if the other two groups' members similarly wear their party ts and those displaying their logo say today, tomorrow and almost! everyda y including come July 9, will they be similarly arrested like those who wore Bersih's Ts? Will those who wear Bersih's T and logo and not even holding flyers or whatever but just wearing them be harassed and hurled up to the police station?
Will our MOHA be consistent in roughing out anyone who wore ts and logos of the three groups that are planning respective illegal rallies as the police have considered them, or will we only see the usual double or triple standard? Why is the government only seeing red over those who wear yellow ts and a particular logo? And seem lukewarm or unperturbed by anyone wearing red or green logos ts these days leading up to July 9?
Wonder if another group decide to wear their logo which is also red but not the politically correct symbol but that of a rocket or green with a white moon and not the other green of an organisation that also starts with P, will all be harassed huh?
Gosh, it must really be a big headache for MOHA to decide which colour is politically correct on July 9 given that each of the groups planning their rally are sharing similar colour, yellow, red and green, in one form or type face or another!!!
So will the authorities be colour blind and be fair as they claim they will be, or are they pulling wool or rather wearing shades like always this time, it's able to only see yellow which means, trouble, danger and arrest? While red and green is permission to so to speak 'beat the traffic light and get away without any summon at all', huh?
Donovan's yellow is the colour of my true love's hair and probably that's what the Bersih fellos are ok with. But to some, they are pulling their hair off seeing yellow. To those bois in shades of blue, hands clutching their batons, behind the water cannon trucks and finger at the trigger of their weapons armed with tear gas or their hands gripping at their protective shields, they prefer brunette colour and green lanterns and perhaps ready to whack, spray and fire at anyone in yellow, even if! it's su pposed to be the national colour or the reserve of royalty.
And perhaps Madam Tourism is right to spend RM1.8 million to showcase to the world the 'Warna-Warni Malaysia' we are. Come July 9, will we see a sea and riot of colours amongst peace loving BolehLand folks? Are going put a rainbow clash of colours on display for the world to see, with prophylactics, smoke, water and all that huh?
BolehLand fellows led by their leaders, politicians, institutions of law & order and justice make Bolehland, Truly Colourful simply because we are NEVER colour blind, in how we see each others views, ideas, religious belief and especially one's ethnicity.
Welcome to Malaysia, Truly aI-shay Colourful, don't you think folks?
Imagine no Yellow on July 9?
- Message being prepared by an organisation on July 8 to all its employees
- Please be advised not to wear any corporate colour yellow on your CSR event on July 9. Wear black if you must. Those using their yellow kancil or VW please take a different mode of transport.
- Be sure to also top up your phone if your telco is the yellow man because it will be banned on sale on July 9
- And those 8 million customers who use the yellow ATM, please take out money early or use the red ATM or MEPs on July 9 as the yellow ATMs will be shut down
- And no using the yellow zebra crossing on July 9 it is illegal and you can be caught for jaywalking
- July 9 is also no curry day day, no yellow bananas may be consumed and no pineapple juice will be served too
- Only red and green traffic signals will work so be careful when you drive
- Oh, durians will also be banned from sale or consumption
- Employers cannot use this work or ask their maids to 'bersih' anything on July 9 too! Please give cuti to your maids and cleaners
- No yellow flowers are allowed on sale
Yellow Is The Color
Artist: Donovan
Yellow is the color of my ! true lov e's hair
In the morning, when we rise
In the morning, when we rise
That's the time,
That's the time
I love the best
Blue is the color of the sky-y-y
In the morning, when we rise
In the morning, when we rise
That's the time,
That's the time
I love the best
Green is the color of the sparkling corn
In the morning, when we rise
In the morning, when we rise
That's the time
That's the time
I love the best
Mellow is the feeling that I get
When I see her, mm-hmmm,
When I see her, mm-hmmm
That's the time,
That's the time
I love the best
Freedom is a word I rarely use
Without thinking, mm-hmmm,
Without thinking, mm-hmmm,
Of the time,
Of the time
When I've been loved
Artist: Donovan
Yellow is the color of my ! true lov e's hair
In the morning, when we rise
In the morning, when we rise
That's the time,
That's the time
I love the best
Blue is the color of the sky-y-y
In the morning, when we rise
In the morning, when we rise
That's the time,
That's the time
I love the best
Green is the color of the sparkling corn
In the morning, when we rise
In the morning, when we rise
That's the time
That's the time
I love the best
Mellow is the feeling that I get
When I see her, mm-hmmm,
When I see her, mm-hmmm
That's the time,
That's the time
I love the best
Freedom is a word I rarely use
Without thinking, mm-hmmm,
Without thinking, mm-hmmm,
Of the time,
Of the time
When I've been loved