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Do you think all these PKR people are saints? Do you think that they are now going into 'confession mode' because, as they claim, they are people of principle who cannot be bought? Come on! These people refused the RM5 million offer, that is true, but they refused the RM5 million offer because Hee was paid RM25 million. So why are they being offered only RM5 million? Why not RM25 million like Hee?
Raja Petra Kamarudin
what really interesting is the 360 degree turn by monsieur rpk as compare to few years back.. it can confirmed now that monsieur is a tool of BN to win back the heart and soul of your supporters to back the BN government and show the evil political vendetta play by the opposition to discredit the PM. I used to respect and admire your courage to fight corruption and abuses but now you are aiming your gun towards the opposition. The power lies with the government of the day and most of the abuses and the wrongdoing are from them. What are RPK is going soft toward the government. He knows better than us his motive behind this curtain of corridor of power. Care to explain your reader?.....comment by sword of samurai in the article Inspector Clouseau, where are you?
Dear 'sword of samurai', first of all, I owe no one any explanation for what I am doing, not you, not any other reader. What I do is my business. In 2007 and 2008 when I criss-crossed Malaysia to talk in opposition organised ceramah why was this question not posed? Are you posing this question only because you perceive, as you said, I have done a 360-degree turn? Hence no one needs to be questioned as to his or her motive if he or she is seen as supporting the opposition? This person only needs to be questioned if he or she is perceived as supporting the government?
Can you see the hypocrisy and double standards of opposition supporters? If you support the opposition it is because you are a noble person who is doing God's work and is destined for heaven. If you support the government it is because you are a crook who has been bought off and are destined for hell. It is absolutely impossible that you support the government for noble reasons and you support the opposition because you have been paid money.
This is exactly the way religionists work as well. Either you are with me or you are the enemy. If you follow me you will go to heaven. If you don't follow me you will go to hell. I am right. All others are wrong. Mine is the true religion. All others are false religions. Go talk to religionists, in particular those from the Abrahamic faiths, and see what they say. Even within each religion there are various sub-groups or sects. And each sub-group or sect will say theirs is correct and all others are wrong. Only they will go to heaven. All others will go to hell.
Yes, that is how humankind thinks. And you too think no differently.
There is actually no such thing as a 360-degree turn. 360 degrees is the first and last point on the compass. Hence, if you turn 360 degrees that would mean you have not turned anywhere. You are still going in the same direction that you were originally going. You need to do a 180-degree turn to move in the opposite direction that you were originally going. Hence, are you trying to say I turned nowhere? Or are you merely ignorant about the points on a compass?
As I said, there are 360 points on a compass, from one to 360 degrees. Then you have the 0.5 points. Hence there would be 720 points if the 0.5 degrees were taken into consideration. But why do you only talk in terms of about-turns (U-turns), which should actually be a 180-degree turn and not a 360-degree turn? What about a 90-degree turn (which means you now head east) or a 270-degree turn (which means you now head west)? Then there are north-east, north-west, south-east, south-west, north-north-east, north-north-west, south-south-east, south-south-west, and many, many more directions on the compass, 720 directions in all if the 0.5 points are included.
Can you now see, 'sword of samurai', how your mind works? Either you are with me or you are my enemy. Either you go to heaven or you go to hell. Either you follow the true religion or you follow the false religion. Either you go north (360 degrees) or you go south (180 degrees). You either choose black or you choose white (no grey, yellow, red, green, blue, etc.).
It is the mind of a person who can only perceive one or the other. It is not a well-developed mind that can count higher than two. Everything comes in twos. It is either male or female. Man of woman. There is no possibility that someone can be neither man nor woman but something in-between. Hence all those 'something-in-betweens' need to be ostracised and treated like pariahs.
Okay, let's move on. First read the news report below:
PKR Indera Makhota MP Azan Ismail reveals that there was an attempt to entice him and other PKR MPs in 2010.
A PKR leader claimed today that there was an attempt in 2010 to buy over several PKR MPs by a "respected figure" who "used to hold a high station in government". Indera Makhota MP Azan Ismail told a press conference that he was offered more than RM5 million at a meeting in a five-star hotel in Kuala Lumpur on Jan 27 that year. But he said he had enough integrity to reject the offer. Azan refused to divulge more details about the person and the meeting.
It is now 2012. More than three years ago, back in early 2009, when I was still in Malaysia, I revealed that there was a plan to buy over Pakatan Rakyat wakil rakyat (Members of Parliament and State Assemblypersons). That was when the Umno State Assemblyman, Nasarudin Hashim, crossed over to Pakatan Rakyat. Then, less than a week later, two PKR State Assemblymen, Jamaluddin Mat Radzi and Mohd Osman Jailu, crossed over to Umno, as did Nasarudin Hashim. This was followed by DAP's Hee Yit Foong less than a week after that. And that was the end of the Pakatan Rakyat Perak state government.
The thing is, I had already warned Anwar Ibrahim earlier that this was going to happen. I also told Anwar, and I wrote about it as well, that Umno is shopping for many more Pakatan Rakyat wakil rakyat and sums of RM5 million to RM25 million is being offered. I revealed that Hee was offered RM25 million and I also revealed who was paying her, Vincent Tan. In spite of this early warning, nothing was done and it still happened anyway.
I spoke out against this and even told Nizar Jamaluddin to oppose the Sultan of Perak if necessary. This call to defy the Sultan of Perak incurred the displeasure of the Sultan of Selangor who summoned my uncles and aunty to the palace to be informed of this displeasure. My aunty then sent me an e-mail to tell me that the family wants me to apologise to the Sultan or else the family was going to insert an advertisement in the mainstream newspapers to announce that they are distancing themselves from me, which tantamount to my family disowning me.
I wrote about this and even published the e-mail from my aunty. My response, which I also published, was to banish myself from Selangor and spare the need for my family to disown me or for the Sultan to banish me from Selangor, which Sultans can do and have been known to have done.
This all happened in January and February of 2009. Now we have the PAS MP for Shah Alam, Khalid Samad, and the PKR MP, Azan Ismail, coming out to reveal that back in 2010 Umno tried to buy off PKR wakil rakyat. And the figure of RM5 million each person is mentioned, the same figure I mentioned back in January 2009, long before it happened and while Perak was still under Pakatan Rakyat.
Who is the one who made this offer? Who are all the PKR wakil rakyat that they tried to buy off? They refuse to tell us. It is still a secret. This was supposed to have happened in early 2010. It is now mid-2012. Why did they keep this a secret for more than two years? Is it because all these people wanted to keep their options open in case they still needed to accept the offer of RM5 million to jump? Or is it because RM5 million is too low an offer? Since Hee was paid RM25 million then why offer them only RM5 million? Why not they too be offered RM25 million, just like Hee? So is it they did not want to reveal the offer of RM5 million because they were trying to negotiate for a higher price, say RM25 million just like Hee?
I was told Umno is no longer interested in buying these people. Why spend RM5 million or RM10 million or RM25 million in buying PKR wakil rakyat when the next general election is about to be called? If the general election is called in September then there is only three months to go. Is not RM25 million per head too much for just three months? Better Umno just wait until the next general election. Chances are Umno is going to be swept back into power. And even if Umno wins with a less than two-thirds majority they can always make another offer after the next GE. And it is not sure yet who are the candidates who will be contesting and whether they are going to win or not.
Anwar is aware of these people who Umno tried to buy off. But all these people kept quiet. Hence they may be dropped as candidates in the next general election. So now they come out, more than two years later and three months before the next general election, and confess that Umno tried to buy them off. They then declare that they refused to accept the offer because they are people of principles who cannot be bought. So there is no excuse to drop them now. They should still be chosen as candidate for the next general election.
Why did all these people not immediately, on the same day back in 2009 or 2010 when Umno first approached them to make the offer, come out to confess that Umno tried to buy them off? Why keep meeting Umno a few more times to negotiate a higher price and only now, when Umno is no longer interested in buying them off, come out to reveal what happened so long ago? And why refuse to reveal the entire list of PKR people who were given offers? And why not reveal details of when, where and who? Why still so many secrets?
Do you think all these PKR people are saints? Do you think that they are now going into 'confession mode' because, as they claim, they are people of principle who cannot be bought? Come on! These people refused the RM5 million offer, that is true, but they refused the RM5 million offer because Hee was paid RM25 million. So why are they being offered only RM5 million? Why not RM25 million like Hee? And now that Umno is no longer interested in buying them off they go into confession mode and pretend that they are people of principles who cannot be bought.
Back in 2008 I told Ronnie Liu that Badrul is the wrong candidate for Port Kelang. Ronnie just shrugged his shoulders and told me that it is not his decision. That is PKR's decision since Badrul is a PKR candidate who is close to Anwar Ibrahim. Ronnie then told me to help campaign for Badrul because he is a very weak candidate and needs a lot of help to win. I did and Badrul won. Then, as I feared, Badul left and joined Umno. I kept quiet and campaigned for Badrul when I should instead have raised hell and demanded that he be dropped and replaced with another candidate. Will screaming about it now help? Can it change anything? Or should I have screamed about it back in 2008 before the March general election?
So, yes, as Rais Yatim said, I have changed my mode. I have changed from being a blind follower of PKR to being someone who is critical of PKR when criticism is due. And criticism is certainly due when it comes to some of the PKR people. But just like I am not a blind follower of religion, I am not also a blind follower of PKR.
Do you know that Islam has never abolished slavery? Talk to any ulama' (scholar) and he or she will tell you that slavery is legal in Islam. And if they tell you otherwise then they are lying through their teeth. But I am opposed to slavery, slavery of any kind, even economic slavery and slavery of the mind. So I will speak out against slavery even if Islam does not classify slavery as illegal. Do you expect me to support slavery just because I happen to have been born a Muslim? Am I not allowed my own views? Must I become a mental slave and blindly follow what I consider as immoral although it may not be illegal?
Homosexuality is both illegal and immoral from society's and religion's point of view. But you know my views on gay rights. I have written about this subject many times and it is no secret that I respect the rights of gays. But homosexuality is against the law and is condemned by religion. Should I therefore not also condemn gays and demand that they be put to death? What stand should I take? Do I follow what society and religion demands or do I have a right to my own views? Did God really create just two species of humankind, man and woman, with nothing in between? What about those born with two sex organs, male and female? Did not God also create these people? These people are called hermaphrodites.
Opposition supporters like 'sword of samurai' only see and take issue of the criticism I have made against Pakatan Rakyat. They conveniently forget and forget too easily all the criticism and exposes I have made and am still making against the government. This is called selective memory.
Pakatan Rakyat is banging away on the Tan Kay Hock-George Kent issue. This is the latest 'hot issue' since the NFC matter has died down a bit. But Malaysia Today revealed this much earlier, even before George Kent was awarded the project. And we already revealed even earlier the relationship between Tan Kay Hock and Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak.
Where do you think Pakatan Rakyat got all their information from? And why wait so late before jumping onto the bandwagon and make it appear like this is an exclusive Pakatan Rakyat expose? Even as recent as 11 days ago Malaysia Today had already revealed this in an article called Well, Najib, what do you have to say about this?. Did anyone talk about it? Did Pakatan Rakyat take up the issue? Now they scream and hold press conferences and issue media statements on a matter that, months ago, Malaysia Today had already revealed. Then some of you say that Malaysia Today is not revealing the wrongdoings of those in government.
Then there was the RM2 billion Kidex issue. AG's links to Ho Hup and Vincent Lye. Saiful Bukhari Azlan's amorous relationship with one of the prosecutors in Anwar's Sodomy 2 trial. The meeting Saiful had with the police in the hotel room in the Kuala Lumpur Concorde. The AG's sex scandal with one of his Directors. The ex-IGP's links to the Chinese underworld syndicate. The RM8 billion MAS scandal and the link to the RM30 billion Forex scandal. And much, much more. Did not Malaysia Today break all these stories and is Malaysia Todaystill not doing so even as recent as last week?
So, yes, amongst all those scandals that Malaysia Today exposed and is still doing so, we also expose wrongdoings by the opposition. And when we do that we have turned, have been bought, are now working for Barisan Nasional, and whatnot.
Well, let me tell you this. You who think like this are amongst the 30% diehard Pakatan Rakyat supporters. To you, Anwar Ibrahim's fart smells sweet. To prove that I am a diehard opposition supporter I must suck Anwar's dick and lick his arse. Then, on the other side, we have the 30% Barisan Nasional diehard supporters. Again, to these people, Najib's fart smells sweet. And to prove that we are loyal Malays and supporters of Barisan Nasional we much suck Najib's dick and lick his arse.
These two groups are a lost cause. Never mind what I say and do, these two groups will never budge or see reason. They have closed their minds to all reasoning. My target is the 40% uncommitted, the atas pagar or fence sitters. This is the thinking group. And, most importantly, this is the group that is going to be the kingmaker.
The next election is going to be a photo finish. It is not clear cut either way. If it is then Najib would have held the elections last March, when the 'window' was still open. Now it is getting dicey for both sides. A 5% swing either way is going to decide the winner. So a 40% fence-sitting group is very crucial to this 5% swing.
Over a 30-day period, Malaysia Today receives 600,000-700,000 unique readers. In any article, at most 100 or 200 of you post comments. And the majority of these comments curse and swear at the government, curse and swear at me, curse and swear at the Malays, curse and swear at Islam, and whatnot. That is all, 100-200 of you. And just because the 100-200 of you sing the same cursing and swearing tune you think that his represents the majority view of the 600,000-700,000 unique visitors.
Think again!
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