Free and fair media : Does it really exist?
If we really want a free and fair media, we must first understand clearly what is it that we want? Kalau tidak, we can argue until the cows come home (to the condo) without achieving anything.
Similarly, when we say we want free and fair media, we must be very clear what we really want.
Q1. Does free and fair media exist anywhere in the world? If it does, I would like to know where? I looked under my bed and couldn't find it there.
Q2. What does media mean? Twitter dan Facebook pun media kan? Planet of the Monyets is also media, right? Newspapers, TV, radio, online news portal, blogs,… the list goes on and on. So when we demand for free and fair media, what media are we referring to?
Q3. What does free media mean? Does it mean the media is free to publish anything it wants without any interference from the government or anyone? If it want to publish porn, boleh tak? If the media wants to slander people, ok tak? So someone please tell me what free media means? [I am sure it does not mean percuma]
Q4. What does fair media mean? Fair is such a subjective term. Dictionaries define fair as free from bias and injustice - both which are equally subjective. How do we ensure media is fair? If you want free media, can you actually force it to be fair? That would make it not free, right?
Q5. When we say we want a fair media, are we saying that we are going to force Malaysiakini devote half its coverage to Basional Nasional? Or are we gonna get Selangor Times to allocate 5 pages to cover MCA news? Or are we going to get Utusan to provide more space for DAP? Is this even possible?
Q6. Majority of media, in Malaysia and all over the world, are privately owned. How do we make them report fairly? False reporting and unfair reporting are two different things. False reporting is unfair BUT unfair reporting is not necessarily false.
Q7. What is mainstream media? Is it the media with the largest distribution channels? Media which sells the most?
Q8. Are we confusing mainstream media with print media? I hear many people equate mainstream media to newspapers such as The STAR, Utusan, etc. If they think mainstream media = print media, is Selangor Times a mainstream media then?
Q9. Is mainstream media the media with the largest audience? Then several online news portals do better than some print media. Can we call these high volume online news portals as mainstream media?
Q10. Is Planet of the Monyets free and fair? Is Planet of the Monyets mainstream? I personally prefer to use the term "ethical" media. If we are to make progress with regards to either making our media more ethical or more free or more fair, we need to be very very CLEAR what we mean.
I fully agree that we can make our media better and more humane. But just simply yelling free and fair media IS GOING TO TAKE US NOWHERE, except perhaps to the jamban.
Monyet King also says
The media is fair when it says things that you like. The media is biased if it says things that you don't like. Ancient monyet proverb.
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