Have Malaysian men become imbeciles ?
As the CEO, one of my greatest responsibility and challenge is to identify and recruit talented people into our company. So far, I think I have done rather well. We have an excellent team at my office, a team of men and women who are very good at what they do, work well as a team and unlike our politicians, do not spend any time fighting over race or religion.
In recent years however, it has become increasingly difficult to recruit good men. When we advertise, we are flooded with very good female candidates but very few men. When we short-list, the list is often filled with women. Even now, as we think of recruiting again, I have in my mind a list of potential candidates who could fit in – guess what, they are all women. I have discussed this with many friends in other industries – many of them seem to experience the same situation.
So my question is, where have all the good men gone to ? Have the Malaysian men, through some genetic mutation, become imbeciles ?. Have the men been too pampered over the years and are now struggling to compete ? Or is this problem peculiar to my profession ?
You probably already know that female students now make up more than 65% of the total student population in our local universities. Even in engineering faculties, women now account for half the students (compared to only 5% when I did my engineering degree many year ago). The Malaysian civil service has also a higher percentage of women.
Can someone tell me – where have all the good men in Malaysia gone to ?
Monyet King says
A possible explanation is that Malaysian men eat too much, drink too much and spend too much time worrying about the size of their d*#ks - which affects their competence. See proof below.
they eat too much
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In recent years however, it has become increasingly difficult to recruit good men. When we advertise, we are flooded with very good female candidates but very few men. When we short-list, the list is often filled with women. Even now, as we think of recruiting again, I have in my mind a list of potential candidates who could fit in – guess what, they are all women. I have discussed this with many friends in other industries – many of them seem to experience the same situation.
So my question is, where have all the good men gone to ? Have the Malaysian men, through some genetic mutation, become imbeciles ?. Have the men been too pampered over the years and are now struggling to compete ? Or is this problem peculiar to my profession ?
You probably already know that female students now make up more than 65% of the total student population in our local universities. Even in engineering faculties, women now account for half the students (compared to only 5% when I did my engineering degree many year ago). The Malaysian civil service has also a higher percentage of women.
Can someone tell me – where have all the good men in Malaysia gone to ?
Monyet King says
A possible explanation is that Malaysian men eat too much, drink too much and spend too much time worrying about the size of their d*#ks - which affects their competence. See proof below.
they eat too much
they drink too much
they spend too much time worrying about the size of theird$ #ks
Read More @ Source WHITELIGHT (WHL) - Pemutih Gigi Instant
More » Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus | 大马社会政治