Excerpts from some Online News Portal :
He was detained, photographed and had his documents photocopied, before being escorted onto the flight.
He was also informed that Special Branch would be awaiting him on his arrival in Miri.
He had arrived in Miri from Kota Kinabalu in an Air Asia flight at about 10.45 am and as the Miri police had assured YB Alan Ling Sie Kiong that there was no instruction for Jaban's arrest, Jaban had left the airport for Miri town with the Miri PKR chairman Dr. Michael Teo Yu Keng
On their way to town, three men in a Proton car stopped Dr Teo and Peter, and Peter was taken away. They were "stopped by a brown Proton car in front of Tamu Muhibbah in the city centre.
Dr Michael Teo, who was with Peter when the incident happened, said they were "stopped by a brown Proton car in front of Tamu Muhibbah in the city centre. They were three men in it. They all looked native. One of them came out and Peter came out of the car with all the bags. He spoke with one of the men and then entered the car and left me and my driver without a word..
Peter's counsel, DAP lawyer YB Alan Ling, said he had spoken with the Crime Division Head in Miri and confirmed that the authorities had not received instructions to arrest Peter.or was not in anyway involved in Peter's arrest or disappearance.
If the plain clothes personnel were a special police task force from Bukit Aman, the standard procedure calls for them to lodge a police report here before arresting Peter, Ling said.
YB Alan Ling, the DAP Piasau State Assemblyman in Miri, and he confirmed that he is completely in the dark as what to has happened to Peter some six hours after he met him at the Miri Airport on his arrival from Kota Kinabalu..
Six hours have passed and nobody knows what has happened to Peter or he is, safe or otherwise – and whether the three men who took Peter away were from the police specially dispatched to Miri to apprehend Peter, and if so, why the Miri police have been kept completely in the dark.
Supporters of Radio Free Sarawak are now anxiously trying to find the DJ. The opposition Assemblyman and human rights lawyer See Chee How has flown to Miri from Kuching this afternoon and is working with other lawyers to identify Peter's whereabouts and secure his release.
Earlier today he explained that no one can be legally detained without! charge for more than 24 hours and Peter should have been properly informed of his rights and given access to a lawyer at the time of his arrest. The police officers (if they were police officers) should have identified themselves, not just called him from his car and taken him away.
Fellow RFS presenter, Christina S. Suntai, whose own brother Numpang Suntai also suffered the indignity of arrest last year during a land grab dispute (which he later won) has also spoken out.
"If anyone is perceived as a threat to the present government, whether they are fighting for their land or the right to speak out, then they use the police against them and find some way to accuse them of a crime", she said. "However, the people in BN, who are in power, get away with all kinds of crime and no one does anything she said".
Is Malaysia under rule of law or law of jungle where Radio Free Sarawak presenter Peter John Jaban can disappear for 6 hours after arrival in Miri without anyone in authority claiming knowledge or responsibility?
Malaysians and the world expect them to immediately throw light on the whereabouts of Peter as six hours are definitely enough time for the police authorities to come out with clear statement of Jaban's whereabouts or an open admission that lawlessness in Malaysia have reached a new level where three persons completely uninvolved with the police or the government have abducted Peter in broad daylight in Miri in Malaysia! [Curi]
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