Blowing At Itself
The owner of Malaysia Today, fondly known as RPK has a penchant for, in his own words, 'cheong hui' or rather long winded stories telling to prove his point or revealing one of his deepthroat's story. Depending on which side of the political divide the reader is, his expose of corruption, crime most fouled, murder, deceit and dark side behaviour of political personalities, get many people to think that things are not what they seemed to be in Bolehland
With regard to politicians, they are not the angel as they themselves or the expensive PR agencies or their friendly NGOs and MSMedia or social media paint them to be. Those painted as devilish will employ expensive PR agencies, NGOs or MSMedia or social media to brush off such claims.
His craftiness In his writings, interspersed with a fair share of sarcasm, parables, parody, history, doctrines, philosophy and perhaps almost every discipline he employes, makes him a somewhat sifu and scholar of sorts. The plots and conspiracy theories that are weaved into his story telling make the story very believable as The Da Vinci Code to the uninitiated. The storyline can be even outrageous, pun intended, especially to personalities whose dark side are exposed in his postings.
Depending on which side one supports, his writings to diehard followers are like some dogma, good news, pun not intended, facts and truths. To those supposedly maligned, the writings are from a deranged, vengeful, ole man, a coward too afraid to return to BolehLand to face opponents face to face - and of course subject himself to the law. Which his opponents know and many believe he won't stand a chance against the government friendly or controlled justice system and security apparatus and MSMedia.
Given the fact that the powerful jaguh kampong BolehLand government is feeble and impotent in exercising their power in QEII's abode, RPK is able to prove, his pen is mightier than the UMNO's and BN's millions of party members, silat opponents, petty traders, BN friendly ! NGOs, BN friendly MSMedia, 1Malaysia's propaganda and highly paid foreign PR agencies, even the Pakatan spin machines.
Whether RPK's stories are spin or truth, nevertheless his writings remain one source where the truths and facts vomited by BN and Pakatan alight are challenged.
Many a times, the facts of the stories are supposedly supplied by deepthroats, whistleblowers who may have their own agenda to reveal to him than to agencies set up to resolve and handle illegal or immoral acts. The latest is a deepthroat from an agency that is supposed to fight corruption, MACC. See story here.
Odd, that the 'secret lost' document seemed to be uncovered and being revealed to a third party than the agency itself. Is it because deepthroat trusts RPK not to twist the 'facts' in the documents he is fed with? Or, because what he publishes has more credibility and truthfulness than if they are revealed by the government or the agency itself responsible to fight corruption?
One ponders why deepthroat doesn't go to his boss to right the wrong even if it happened eons ago. A wrong or corruption is wrong and corruption right?
The deepthroat by revealing to a third party is also whistleblowing at the agency that feeds him, pays his salary that is. Isn't it like a self fellatio act?
Or, it suggests no confidence in the agency to pursue cases that involve those with power or selective investigation?
Why the sudden feeling of guilt to deepthroat now? Is it some guilt feeling the deepthroat is feeling for keeping quiet so long and now found the ligh! t to exp unge his sins for not being brave enough then? But why reveal to a third party than your agency? Why go the other way round to catch two supposedly corrupt crooks?
Do we smell something fishing from this whistleblower's vomit?
The latest expose is no more shocking to right minded BolehLand citizens, that politicians, especially exs from the ruling party, are not as clean as they make themselves to be. Even if they have changed, turned over a new leaf, in BolehLand, the word change or transformation of one's character especially if politicians are involved, does not exist. Each is branded a crook till they die! or depending on which political affiliation one is, when they become the government of the day, they are transformed, reformed into angels!
So the facts, truths and evidences are all staring in our face. What's next? As can be expected, the MSMedia is going to town publishing the accusation and the government machinery is on full swing to gather more evidence to verify the 'truths' in RPK's write-up.
Bet the political survival chance of these two fellos exposed have dived down many notches. Which would bring glee and smile to the BN fellow for sure right?
So is it BN 1, Pakatan 0 and RPK is accused of being a bias referring letting UMNO commit all the fouls and score the goals too?
One can question the timing for the deepthroat to suddenly span a 15,000 km distance to deposit the evidence at a foreign land and a blogger who have been accused of being a fugitive? Isn't it so much easier and convenient for our deepthroat to cover about 15 meters or a few doors or floors away to expose the misdeed of these two As?
Why so far, to get the truth home huh? Does it mean our deepthroat do not trust his or her own government or the MSMedia to expose the truth?
And why now? Why didn't anyone dare to expose it when these two were kicked out from UMNO and BN fraternity which are bound by the unwritten code of scratching each other's back and mak! ing sure they keep secret as tightly as the Freemasons huh?
So our deephthroat has vomited filth of these two ages ago. These two, if we believe them, have reformed and probably realised their guilt and remorseful of the ills of their party and have come out, kicked out really, to walk in the path of truth and right the wrong. So what are we to conclude now? That these two As are as corrupt now as they were twenty years ago? or the belief once a crook always a crook?
In BolehLand, we probably tend to believe that prisoners can be reformed and returned to society to do good. But we are not as forgiving to politicians, well at least those who are not on the side of the ruling party. You see, if you are in the ruling and winning team, you are the angel and prodigal son or daughter if you did a 360% turn. When you jump or fall out of grace to the other side, you are condemned as evil, traitors and now as corrupt persons based on the latest deepthroat's revelation.
So was it only these two fellows back them who were the only ones who were corrupt? Expect that this will be the line taken by the government to destroy any political comeback by these two As. That these two back then had brought shame to the ruling party for being corrupt and the party was right in dispelling them to preserve the purity and sanctity of the ruling government. Were their actions only theirs or it was the culture of the ruling government of the day back then today they are squeaky clean ?
The public's perception is the culture that these two As were in back then has been institutionalised and embedded into their DNA today. Even if the two crooks have left and now building their new crooked empire in Pakatan, does it mean that the party they left is clean and does not even have a shred of corrupt fellows in them? Even if there were, it involved family members than directly them huh?
There will be many enemies of these two As who will be rejoicing and in their hearts thanking RPK for vomiting out the filth th! at his d eepthroat has provided him. The fellows on the other side are surely fuming with anger now at the betrayal of RPK and expect the same ole nasty name calling and turncoat remarks hurled towards RPK.
This latest deepthroat expose churns up alot of intriguing things happening in the corridors of power and about our politicians. But before we talk of the other things, the MSMedia behaved as expected and true to the public's expectation, were swift to report online claims in the main stream media in an instant. Strange when a certain FT Minister was exposed just a week back, nothing mentioned in the MSMedia.
Which goes to show, some deepthroats' vomiting of filth are sweet smelling of roses while others are just filth and difficult to swallow?
So, expect in days to come, the course of action taken by UMNO and BN fellows will be, to make sure and reconfirm that these two fellows are corrupt to the core and for the corruption agency to go after them. It is necessary to show we have two corrupt politicians unfit to lead what more to be elected. It is essential that RPK's story be told and repeated to the kampung and rural folks. It will become a necessary speaking point in all election campaigns and will be seeped into every BN leaders' speeches at all private and public engagements their leaders are invited to speak.
The BN friendly NGOs and petty traders will also be probably called to townhall briefings on how to maximise on this expose. Don't be surprised it will be one pertinent point in 1Malaysia's keynote address to foreign leaders and businessmen and also to all local associations. It will also be produced as comic scripts for youths and schoolchildren and distributed in fair and exhibitions, like those that appeared during the million youth marches.
The expose will also show that aspects of law such as a bridge of the Official Secrets Act will not even matter even if a whole file of documents are conveniently discovered and given to a third party 15,000 km away.!
Questions on whether what these two did were solely individual acts or such practices were pervasive are secondary.
The very fact the agency responsible to combat corruption followed executive orders raises doubt of the independence of such agencies or whether they are tools of the ruling party for their convenience. The issue of hurling up the bosses of such agencies for failing to carry out their duties is irrelevant because the argument will be they are just following their bosses instruction. Their failure to do their work entrusted to them will have no relevance because the opponents are only interested in pointing out these two fellows are corrupt.
But do citizens believe or convinced that the agency dulu lain, sekaraing lain, which means that today they do not take orders from anyone and investigate without fear or favour? Well, the submarine case which is receiving international notice and reporting doesn't seemed to have caught our MACC's attention or interest eh? But many a times on mere rumour or hearsay and some deepthroat's filth concerning opposition political leaders, they act in an instant! We got to give them marks for speed and efficiency though right?
The last is, opponents will use this issue as pointing out that the ruling party were glad to have kicked out the last of the two corrupt fellows and they the party they left are as squeaky clean as the angels in heaven. The corrupt party is now the one led by these two corrupt exs we can supposed eh?
While UMNO and BN leaders and members are now already likely celebrating the victory that RPK has hand delivered to them by exposing the deepthroat's damaging reports, the two accused must be consulting their strategists to try and deny and counter accuse the other side. But the damage is done and the more they try to be defensive, the more they are confirming the deepthroat's expose.
So it's still BN 1, Pakatan 0 and RPK being accused of being a bias referee turning one eye to the fouls committed to ensur! e the BN team wins, no?
But those who know RPK, believe he is one referee who is not a cop by profession, has nothing to gain to side anyone, and as referee will use his own judgement and decision to decide when to blow the whistle, show the yellow card or red card and whether to offer the penalty.
While the red shirt team, the UMNO and BN fellows that is, are rejoicing with the sending off of two key players off the pitch, they should remember that RPK would have watched the last matches of the English BPL season - and it ain't over yet until the fat lady, or rather in this case RPK, the referee, decides to blow the whistle. His next whistle blowing may be revealing other deepthroat's expose of those from the red shirt team too eh?
And it would be interesting how the red shirts will react if tomorrow RPK will reveal other deepthroats' expose of the wrongs committed by the red shirts teams! And we shall see how they try and sweeten all the filth the next deepthroat dares to vomit about the red shirt leaders, hah?
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With regard to politicians, they are not the angel as they themselves or the expensive PR agencies or their friendly NGOs and MSMedia or social media paint them to be. Those painted as devilish will employ expensive PR agencies, NGOs or MSMedia or social media to brush off such claims.
His craftiness In his writings, interspersed with a fair share of sarcasm, parables, parody, history, doctrines, philosophy and perhaps almost every discipline he employes, makes him a somewhat sifu and scholar of sorts. The plots and conspiracy theories that are weaved into his story telling make the story very believable as The Da Vinci Code to the uninitiated. The storyline can be even outrageous, pun intended, especially to personalities whose dark side are exposed in his postings.
Depending on which side one supports, his writings to diehard followers are like some dogma, good news, pun not intended, facts and truths. To those supposedly maligned, the writings are from a deranged, vengeful, ole man, a coward too afraid to return to BolehLand to face opponents face to face - and of course subject himself to the law. Which his opponents know and many believe he won't stand a chance against the government friendly or controlled justice system and security apparatus and MSMedia.
Given the fact that the powerful jaguh kampong BolehLand government is feeble and impotent in exercising their power in QEII's abode, RPK is able to prove, his pen is mightier than the UMNO's and BN's millions of party members, silat opponents, petty traders, BN friendly ! NGOs, BN friendly MSMedia, 1Malaysia's propaganda and highly paid foreign PR agencies, even the Pakatan spin machines.
Whether RPK's stories are spin or truth, nevertheless his writings remain one source where the truths and facts vomited by BN and Pakatan alight are challenged.
Many a times, the facts of the stories are supposedly supplied by deepthroats, whistleblowers who may have their own agenda to reveal to him than to agencies set up to resolve and handle illegal or immoral acts. The latest is a deepthroat from an agency that is supposed to fight corruption, MACC. See story here.
Odd, that the 'secret lost' document seemed to be uncovered and being revealed to a third party than the agency itself. Is it because deepthroat trusts RPK not to twist the 'facts' in the documents he is fed with? Or, because what he publishes has more credibility and truthfulness than if they are revealed by the government or the agency itself responsible to fight corruption?
One ponders why deepthroat doesn't go to his boss to right the wrong even if it happened eons ago. A wrong or corruption is wrong and corruption right?
The deepthroat by revealing to a third party is also whistleblowing at the agency that feeds him, pays his salary that is. Isn't it like a self fellatio act?
Or, it suggests no confidence in the agency to pursue cases that involve those with power or selective investigation?
Why the sudden feeling of guilt to deepthroat now? Is it some guilt feeling the deepthroat is feeling for keeping quiet so long and now found the ligh! t to exp unge his sins for not being brave enough then? But why reveal to a third party than your agency? Why go the other way round to catch two supposedly corrupt crooks?
Do we smell something fishing from this whistleblower's vomit?
The latest expose is no more shocking to right minded BolehLand citizens, that politicians, especially exs from the ruling party, are not as clean as they make themselves to be. Even if they have changed, turned over a new leaf, in BolehLand, the word change or transformation of one's character especially if politicians are involved, does not exist. Each is branded a crook till they die! or depending on which political affiliation one is, when they become the government of the day, they are transformed, reformed into angels!
So the facts, truths and evidences are all staring in our face. What's next? As can be expected, the MSMedia is going to town publishing the accusation and the government machinery is on full swing to gather more evidence to verify the 'truths' in RPK's write-up.
Bet the political survival chance of these two fellos exposed have dived down many notches. Which would bring glee and smile to the BN fellow for sure right?
So is it BN 1, Pakatan 0 and RPK is accused of being a bias referring letting UMNO commit all the fouls and score the goals too?
One can question the timing for the deepthroat to suddenly span a 15,000 km distance to deposit the evidence at a foreign land and a blogger who have been accused of being a fugitive? Isn't it so much easier and convenient for our deepthroat to cover about 15 meters or a few doors or floors away to expose the misdeed of these two As?
Why so far, to get the truth home huh? Does it mean our deepthroat do not trust his or her own government or the MSMedia to expose the truth?
And why now? Why didn't anyone dare to expose it when these two were kicked out from UMNO and BN fraternity which are bound by the unwritten code of scratching each other's back and mak! ing sure they keep secret as tightly as the Freemasons huh?
So our deephthroat has vomited filth of these two ages ago. These two, if we believe them, have reformed and probably realised their guilt and remorseful of the ills of their party and have come out, kicked out really, to walk in the path of truth and right the wrong. So what are we to conclude now? That these two As are as corrupt now as they were twenty years ago? or the belief once a crook always a crook?
In BolehLand, we probably tend to believe that prisoners can be reformed and returned to society to do good. But we are not as forgiving to politicians, well at least those who are not on the side of the ruling party. You see, if you are in the ruling and winning team, you are the angel and prodigal son or daughter if you did a 360% turn. When you jump or fall out of grace to the other side, you are condemned as evil, traitors and now as corrupt persons based on the latest deepthroat's revelation.
So was it only these two fellows back them who were the only ones who were corrupt? Expect that this will be the line taken by the government to destroy any political comeback by these two As. That these two back then had brought shame to the ruling party for being corrupt and the party was right in dispelling them to preserve the purity and sanctity of the ruling government. Were their actions only theirs or it was the culture of the ruling government of the day back then today they are squeaky clean ?
The public's perception is the culture that these two As were in back then has been institutionalised and embedded into their DNA today. Even if the two crooks have left and now building their new crooked empire in Pakatan, does it mean that the party they left is clean and does not even have a shred of corrupt fellows in them? Even if there were, it involved family members than directly them huh?
There will be many enemies of these two As who will be rejoicing and in their hearts thanking RPK for vomiting out the filth th! at his d eepthroat has provided him. The fellows on the other side are surely fuming with anger now at the betrayal of RPK and expect the same ole nasty name calling and turncoat remarks hurled towards RPK.
This latest deepthroat expose churns up alot of intriguing things happening in the corridors of power and about our politicians. But before we talk of the other things, the MSMedia behaved as expected and true to the public's expectation, were swift to report online claims in the main stream media in an instant. Strange when a certain FT Minister was exposed just a week back, nothing mentioned in the MSMedia.
Which goes to show, some deepthroats' vomiting of filth are sweet smelling of roses while others are just filth and difficult to swallow?
So, expect in days to come, the course of action taken by UMNO and BN fellows will be, to make sure and reconfirm that these two fellows are corrupt to the core and for the corruption agency to go after them. It is necessary to show we have two corrupt politicians unfit to lead what more to be elected. It is essential that RPK's story be told and repeated to the kampung and rural folks. It will become a necessary speaking point in all election campaigns and will be seeped into every BN leaders' speeches at all private and public engagements their leaders are invited to speak.
The BN friendly NGOs and petty traders will also be probably called to townhall briefings on how to maximise on this expose. Don't be surprised it will be one pertinent point in 1Malaysia's keynote address to foreign leaders and businessmen and also to all local associations. It will also be produced as comic scripts for youths and schoolchildren and distributed in fair and exhibitions, like those that appeared during the million youth marches.
The expose will also show that aspects of law such as a bridge of the Official Secrets Act will not even matter even if a whole file of documents are conveniently discovered and given to a third party 15,000 km away.!
Questions on whether what these two did were solely individual acts or such practices were pervasive are secondary.
The very fact the agency responsible to combat corruption followed executive orders raises doubt of the independence of such agencies or whether they are tools of the ruling party for their convenience. The issue of hurling up the bosses of such agencies for failing to carry out their duties is irrelevant because the argument will be they are just following their bosses instruction. Their failure to do their work entrusted to them will have no relevance because the opponents are only interested in pointing out these two fellows are corrupt.
But do citizens believe or convinced that the agency dulu lain, sekaraing lain, which means that today they do not take orders from anyone and investigate without fear or favour? Well, the submarine case which is receiving international notice and reporting doesn't seemed to have caught our MACC's attention or interest eh? But many a times on mere rumour or hearsay and some deepthroat's filth concerning opposition political leaders, they act in an instant! We got to give them marks for speed and efficiency though right?
The last is, opponents will use this issue as pointing out that the ruling party were glad to have kicked out the last of the two corrupt fellows and they the party they left are as squeaky clean as the angels in heaven. The corrupt party is now the one led by these two corrupt exs we can supposed eh?
While UMNO and BN leaders and members are now already likely celebrating the victory that RPK has hand delivered to them by exposing the deepthroat's damaging reports, the two accused must be consulting their strategists to try and deny and counter accuse the other side. But the damage is done and the more they try to be defensive, the more they are confirming the deepthroat's expose.
So it's still BN 1, Pakatan 0 and RPK being accused of being a bias referee turning one eye to the fouls committed to ensur! e the BN team wins, no?
But those who know RPK, believe he is one referee who is not a cop by profession, has nothing to gain to side anyone, and as referee will use his own judgement and decision to decide when to blow the whistle, show the yellow card or red card and whether to offer the penalty.
While the red shirt team, the UMNO and BN fellows that is, are rejoicing with the sending off of two key players off the pitch, they should remember that RPK would have watched the last matches of the English BPL season - and it ain't over yet until the fat lady, or rather in this case RPK, the referee, decides to blow the whistle. His next whistle blowing may be revealing other deepthroat's expose of those from the red shirt team too eh?
And it would be interesting how the red shirts will react if tomorrow RPK will reveal other deepthroats' expose of the wrongs committed by the red shirts teams! And we shall see how they try and sweeten all the filth the next deepthroat dares to vomit about the red shirt leaders, hah?
Read More @ Source DS 04 12 2010 AZIZAH ISA
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