Sir Abdul Aziz – the Melayu’s DAP Malaiyoo
This is a repost from Sep 2011, and is retitled from Sir Abdul Aziz & the Sick DAP, because of popular search demand. The gist: Lim Guan Eng's DAP and Mat Sabu's PAS are natural enemies, very natural. Abdul Aziz shows, convincingly, why and how.
Within the the armed wing of the CPM, the MPLA, is a remarkable similarity with the present DAP: Mat Indera, Malay, leads the 200-strong 4th Independent Company of mostly Chinese. This is the kind of multi-racialism repeated to no end in the DAP: Karpal Singh is chairman, Tunku Abdul Aziz is deputy chair, Lim Guan Eng went to jail for a Malay girl (although he went in for himself and out of his own stupidity).
Yet, the multi-racialism is not how Aziz treats Mohamad Sabu, supposedly a friend and ally. He completely leaves out Mat Indera, key man in Mat Sabu's life this moment, and who Aziz never mentions by name (here, same link, NST), not even obliquely, other than by silence so as to produce this:
The communists … owed no loyalty except to China. They fought the British to turn Malaya into … a satellite of the Communist Party of China. (Whereas) the Malays in their thousands volunteered … in cooperation with the colonial power to defend (the colony) … against a godless alien ideology.
Aziz means the Chinese to be, therefore:
- communists,
- aliens,
- godless,
- wanting Malaya as a part of the Chinese mainland state.
On the other hand, Malaya is not a UK satellite nor a colony but an independent country (circa 1950) so the British exist, according to Aziz:
- to defend Malaya from the Chinese,
- and are joined by the volunteer Malays,
- Aziz considers as natives, who along with Brits are
- godly and righteous.
Those same words could have come from Ibrahim Ali or Mohamad Mahathir. No, re-read it. It's from Tunku A. Aziz, deputy chairman DAP.
And you could also find the exact same language told before by DAP's Lim Kit Siang, et al, so there is a lesson in the NST article by Aziz. It once more lifts the veil to expose what truly constitutes the DAP: very Anglo, moralistic, anti-Chinese, anti-Malaysia, bigoted racists, and especially deceitful and hypocritical because of the multi-racialism that comes out simultaneously from the opposite corner of the mouths of Lim Guan Eng and others. (This goes for Din Merican as well, supposedly a Bangsa Malaysia type, the ideology being circulated by Haris Ibrahim on behalf of the DAP.)
The DAP as a mirror image of Anglo White racism is no exaggeration if one sees it this way: as Ibrahim is to Umno so Aziz is to the DAP.
Aziz's article didn't just exposed the lie in this, Pakatan Defends Mat Sabu, Flays Utusan, a statement signed by DAP's Liew Chin Tong and duly published by the 'independent' editors at FMT. It was especially unequalled and unparalleled in its venomous intensity; Utusan couldn't have done better.
This DAP attack on Mat Sabu was launched by Karpal Singh then reinforced five days after Liew's signature. Unprecedented in the scale of name calling, ridicule and contempt, here's how, using the Umno tool NST and outshining Utusan, Aziz had characterised Mat Sabu:
- good for a laugh,
- shallow,
- twisted,
- a sad figure of fun and ridicule,
- political jester,
- a tangled yarn,
- disingenuous,
- a wriggling worm,
- preposterous,
- callous,
- insensitive,
- amusing,
- dishonest,
- unprincipled,
- irresponsible,
- immoral courage,
- doubtful integrity,
- bestial,
- coward, and
- undignified.
If you had counted, that's 20 descriptions total, mostly adjectival terms. Epitome of sickly old men, the leftovers and the has-beens from British yesterdays, like the Malaysia Today horde, people with little else to do with the remaining days of their lives but write letters to editors, and having grown up on a diet of Trollope, the Bronte sisters and Anglican priestly morality, Aziz had never read Hemingway who would have taught him how to write a single true sentence: never trust adjectives.
The only limit to Aziz's name calling is his Queen's English vocabulary he had picked up from Anglo schools and from serving Sime Darby, Dunlop, Guthrie, the usual names in elite British commercial interests who taught him how to wear a bow tie and suit and gave him a good, monied life. The thing still missing: they hadn't knighted him.
Gloating over Aziz, this is how DAP's Tony Pua calls the man (and contrast them to those above):
- no small fry, in other words, big fry
- towering Malaysian, although he means Malay,
- a big catch, like Tony himself had been written as a big catch with an Oxbitch degree.
In Hannah Yeoh's reckoning, Aziz would be High Class, like she is Xtra High.
He could have been Sir Aziz, but the coat tail didn't fit and he was too little for the Anglo shoes…. Then the white tailor and white cobbler down at Regent Street refused to touch his Melayu skin to take measurements. And that was the end of the Tunku's Sir Aziz life long dream: to be equal to the White Man. High Class.
He took out his frustration on Mat Sabu instead, blaming him for not "cooperating" with the colonialist like he had done and so did, he claims, "thousands" of policemen, including his "police family". By family did he mean the gweilo British Special Branch who absconded with his only daughter and he'd miss, forever, the only chance of a Great White Presence beside him drinking Johnny Walker and watching BBC TV?
Tunku Abdul Aziz, Tunkui class, bow tie and Petaling Street suit, Sime Darby loyal servant, schooled in the Queen's English, answers his Malay brethren in his imitation Small English accent, not Melayu, and he says he's from a police family although he breathes more fire from his Ceylon-tea tainted tongue than from the armory on his gun belt.
He is always good to have for a joke: an aristocrat-ungkut to the Tee; trying to be gweilo, he once picked up a fork to comb his hair, not much left though; he thought of scones as durian seeds and over breakfast whipped out a hammer but he was promptly stopped by his English host before he could do any damage to the Queen's cutlery; at the shopping area along Regent Street near Trafalgar Square he tried a tall hat that immediately fell and got stuck around his neck. His head, his brains actually, wasn't as big as the White Man he tried to imitate and cover up.
The men below, he says, "cooperated" with the British to defend a land ruled by the British, schooled by the Queen, sired by White men who pinned chest of medals on Tunku's father. Or was it grandfather? "Good Lad!" says British Inspector James. "Jolly good job. Well done. By the way, did you knock the Nuts of the Chinkos?"
Prompted by the remarks, Tunku's father nodded and smile. He would have thought: the Jameses are so clever. Fifty years later, sonny boy Tunku Jr Aziz would write to the NST to say, his father worked with the British for Islam. That's a new line – even PAS would have been unprepared for. As did the men below.
Aziz sums up all those acts of "cooperation" by the "nationalist freedom fighters" (below) as "chivalry". That is, serving the Queen is fighting for an independent Malaya. And it is called chivalry.
Therein Tunku's doublethink is beginning to read suspiciously and increasingly like the DAP party mates Hannah Yeoh, Mommy Chan, Lim Guan Eng, et al, people who excelled in doublespeak. Since Aziz comes from a police family and all police are nationalist freedom fighters, and cooperating with the Queen is chivalrous, then he, Tunku Abdul Aziz must also be chivalrous. "Good lad Aziz! Here's your Purple Star."
While Aziz is chivalrous, Mat Sabu has "character defects" (Aziz's words). Yes, of course, Mat is Melayu whereas Aziz is equal to the White Man.
And while dreaming of white men on horsebacks with steel armory, and knights riding into a kampung of sarunged Melayus, Aziz has the nightmare that never goes away: no matter how far or how much he fawns after them the British hadn't yet to put a sword to his shoulders and call him, "Sir Aziz, Arise Sir Aziz."
He hasn't yet lost hope. But he must remember to tie up his sarong well lest it drops from his kampung slippers: he mustn't let down those stupid kampung Melayus, he thinks, who can't even tell a soup from a dessert spoon. Malu-lah. Everything Aziz is taught to appreciate are benchmarked to white habits.
"Good Lad. Nice piece you wrote in the NST," was all the Queen said in her Majesty's reply to the Tunku. Imagine Aziz promptly framing it up and showing it to Lim Kit Siang and Karpal Singh. A framed copy might turn up the offices of Karpal Singh & Sons. Look out for it next time you need a lawyer to defend yourself against police brutal chivalry.
The ink on the 'we-are-with-you' DAP statement hadn't even dried up, and DAP and PAS hadn't even gone down to brass tacks on joint rule, and Lim Kit Siang's hatchet men, to wit Karpal and Aziz, have gone over Mat Sabu like there is no tomorrow. PAS by extension. Such treachery. Karpal had delivered the first thrust, Mat doubled down on his abdomen and Aziz quickly stepped up to shove the next dagger into the man's spine.
"Et tu, Brute." ["You too, Brutus."]
"Yes, me too, Matty," answers Sir Aziz.
Imagine Mat Sabu's surprise, delivered especially by a fellow Malay, and that barely a week into a pledge of support from the DAP senior echelon.
Mat Sabu's problem was to have grown up among commoners, ordinary Melayus, who would have trouble understanding what and how it is to connive against a neighbour or a friend. Aziz, on the other hand, had lived on scones and from reading Shakespeare (Brutus above) where he would have picked up treachery, betrayal and conspiracies that ooze from the pages of Penguin as natural as British jam but not kampung values that the Anglo-Saxons, including their imitation versions like Hannah Yeoh, think are uncivilized and low class.
This explains why Aziz belongs to the Tunkui class. By inadvertent admission, Aziz said so himself, using the neutral but misleading word 'cooperating' instead of 'collaborating' with his colonial minders. Collaboration means betrayal on the flip side, whereas cooperation suggests good intentions. But, in another, straightforward term, he has been a running dog of imagined aristocratic breed chasing after coat tails, and still does. A difference between him and the Bukit Kepong police is that his form of cooperation with the minders is total. It is like conversion to Christianity; he even imitates the Queen with his faked English accent.
This, therefore, is one of the kinds of deceitful and phoney characteristic qualities that run through the DAP, from the bottom to the top leadership echelons, from Hannah to James Ngeh, Liew Chin Tong to Lim Guan Eng and Karpal. Aziz's NST article is a reflection thereof and note how much it is imbued with a descriptive personal characterization of Mat Sabu in moralistic terms, righteous and unrighteous, godly and ungodly.
Mat Sabu hadn't offered an opinion on Bukit Kepong that Aziz says he did. He was stating countervailing history, so it was either true or false and not a matter of right or wrong. Aziz had instead turned it into an opinionated matter, hence moralistic, in which he resorted to two things: a pre-emptive bid and outright lies.
The first questions Mat Sabu's character, indeed his sanity:
I concede his right to his opinion, but when Mohamad, who he is in the Pas hierarchy, … then he cannot speak as a jester. … The people have a right to examine him more closely for signs of character defects.
The second, and the lie, made Mat Sabu appear he abetted treason, a standard device that uses undertones of racism by, for example, Mohamad Mahathir:
The communists … owed no loyalty except to China (and) fought the British with the sole purpose of turning Malaya into a Chinese communist state….
That explains why Aziz completely omitted Mat Indera's name. Mentioning Mat Indera, Aziz would have to say Mat Sabu had defended a Malay leading a company of communists, all Chinese, killing Malay 'nationalist freedom fighters' (working for British masters) to turn Malaya into a Chinese satellite. It doesn't make sense: contradiction piled on contradiction on contradiction and on contradiction.
So, how does Aziz gets around the problem? Lying.
Aziz taking the Chinese as a scapegoat for Malaysia's ills is by now part of the daily national routine. But against Mat Sabu? A man, a reflection of the kampung Malay, with so little?
Why? Why is Aziz doing this to a man such as Mat Sabu, who has not had his privileges, his kind of money and English bow tie, his connections in high places, and his good Anglo life in England, Sime Darby and Dunlop. Why indeed?
The answers are no longer important, not anymore, and these have been given before anyway (here, for example). More important than the answers is what Aziz reveals of the DAP and the character of its men and women, its politicians, who says, repeatedly, they are more righteous and more godly than the rest of Malaysia, and so deserving to rule. They are not even saying they are more competent than Umno, and they are not. Rather, it's that saintly thing again, about what Hannah exemplifies, about what Haris Ibrahim extols, about Lim Guan Eng, now Karpal and Abdul Aziz.
Bukit Kepong, therefore and thanks to Aziz, is reducible to the qualitative character of men, in this case the nature of the DAP. And if nature, then Aziz supplies the conclusion that the DAP is a party of men who have gone completely over the cliff. Not in Putrajaya and, already, they have become insane to the promises of power.
Ever since they began using Jesus Christ as a political hammering tool, nothing else matters. They no longer employ reason or rely on the terms of ethics, values, and humanity which, among Mat Sabu's kampung Melayu, or in Bukit Kepong terms, means just to be honest. On that score, Aziz don't even know how, except to call on his perverted Anglo culture that he has taken up in place of Mat Sabu's kampung adat.
Mat Sabu is challenging the Aziz version of what is it to be Melayu and the DAP version of what is it to be Malaysia, both of which he probably understands intuitively to be imported. It is therefore faked and a forgery along with the Umno-centered history told day in, day out for half a century. And Mat Sabu says, 'we had had enough!'
Aziz signifies, in turn, a DAP going nowhere not especially with its Malaysian Malaysia, Malaysia First, Middle Malaysia, Christian Malaysia – full of sloganeering amounting to nothing. So, in the condemnation of Mat Sabu and in countless other preceding examples, there is a renewed lesson from Aziz, Karpal as well: under no and all circumstances, never, never, never trust the DAP.
It is today an unravelling farce of Shakespearean proportions: contradictory, deceitful, while the men of DAP pontificate about "honesty, principle, moral courage and integrity". Those are in Aziz's article so that, in his words, he actually sin against his own moral claims, all British standard.
This post is owed to the heads up at Helen Ang where the Aziz article was reported but in Malaysiakini, Malaysia Today, FMT, and numerous other English language portals conveniently omitted and so hidden away from the DAP and other Pakatan readers.
Ribuan Wanita UMNO Sokong Shahrizat 2/1/2012
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