Casanova Sabah Assemblyman SCANDAL
EVEN after having performed his pilgrimage, and a Sabah State Assemblyman with Datuk title can not leave his casanova attitude and continues to drag masher girls and women into bed.
Assemblyman with a rank of 'Datuk' and Chairman of a State Government Statutory Bodies already had three wives, but are now swiftly carry the 'two girls' at different times and has made Hyyat Kinabalu as his 'hide-out palace' while the bills are paid by the statutory body.
Paparazzi investigation found that this Datuk 'S' (not her real name) had married a second wife named 'SOFEA' (not her real name) who is identified to be involved in 'Project IC' who is also related to a big shot in Sabah.
She has a hair salon in the Second Floor of Centre Point, Kota Kinabalu and the marriage is known to the first wife of 'Datuk S' who is also a government servant.
Employees of 'hide-out palace' informed Paparazzi told that he often saw carelessly spend the night with the Mayor of S in the 'palace of' since more than a year ago and often carelessly placed to see the car in the parking lot Hyyat.
Paparazzi managed carelessly left trailing in his house in King Fisher purchased Ujana Datuk S a few years ago and never seen a car Datuk S placed in front of the cheek.
But carelessly and 'Datin J' (his first wife Datuk S) do not know Datuk S married a second wife of a former politician, 'Datuk Y' in Thailand called "Datin N '(not her real name).
N Datin operate a gift shop in a shopping complex in Kuala Lumpur and staying in a luxury apartment in the city center.
Both marriage without the consent of the Court (Polygamy) and now Datuk S is to choose whether to make the 'Z' or 'M' as the fourth wife or continue to keep them as 'concubine'.
To know who Datuk S and advanced superpower, please follow the series to come as if to leave lawyers, will display pictures and all the activities the Commissioner S 'FORBIDDEN' Datuk S as the Chairman of the Statutory Bodies to successfully accumulate wealth.
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