Wearing An Attitude

Its really not rocket science to tell you that what you wear does advertise your taste and style for the duration of the attire on you. See story below.

Hmm, though its a western survey, it may not hold true in BolehLand. But then, arent we told that women everywhere behave unpredictably when it comes to fashion and taste no, Wonder if it holds true, the undies affecting ones attitude that is, for a certain first lady, huh?

Though there is no correlation that donning an expensive couture piece whether a dress, shirt, bag, watch, jewelry, shades, rings or shoes by guys or gurl, also reflect ones attitudinal behaviour.

We know the BolehLand dude may look cool with his blink blink outfit and accessories or the gurl with Cheryl Cole look alike style or Lady Gaga make over may think she has elevated herself with stardom but chat long enough with him or her or wait when the free food is served, youd not be that he or she may be afflicted by a mental retardation deformation disease in their depth of conversation. And youd confirm the persons pretentiousness when you witness his or her philistine mannerism at the buffet!!!

But these days in BolehLand, its very easy to spot the wannabe. Just try and count the number of times they wish to be called some Datuk or Datin or they know this Datuk or Datin or their forefathers 10 generations ago was a Tun or Datuk hence they qualify to also be accorded some nobility respect!

But you need rocket science and also a PhD in psychology and behavioral science to understand the gurls desire to have that many undies or shoes or clothes, or scarfs, or hats or accessories. And even being equipped with such scientific knowledge, they are insufficient and at best only serve to second guess the predictive behaviour of a gurls attitude whether she is wearing her favourite pinky undies or a La Senza or La Peria or Victoria Secret or even a Pagoda one or Jimmy Choo!

When it comes to understanding a gurls needs and wants, the guys should go a! s far as just understanding their choice of this designer name than design over another, or this colour over another, or this texture, or this seasons style. These are already difficult enough. If the guy even wants to brooch the subject of why do they need 21 pairs of undies as opposed to their five or seven depending on the time duration the guy washes his undie, dont expect any rationale explanation even if your gurl has a PhD in statistics or Psychology or behavioural science!

If the study is true, gosh that would only serve to add another fetish thought into the DOMs and uncles and perverts ogling at women and trying to second guess why they dont seem to behave normally like them, the guys that is! Hah

But whatever frills women wear beneath, its just a shiok sendiri thrill they experience and supposed so they are entitled to their own private pleasure and enjoyment right? And if anyone needs something to steer him or her to a behave in a civil and politically correct manner in public why not. After all, when it comes down to knowing the real you, we know that its the other person who knows you better most times than you do, right?

There is a tinge or is loads of truth that gurls need these put ons, the undies, make up, accessories and clothing that is, to exude confidence, attitude and what not. But we hope that it stays on, the confident attitude that is, when they take off their protective covering and see how they have taken care of what mother nature or their parents have endowed them with, the streamline physique that is.

But not to sound being a sexist contemptible turd on the gurls, the guys are equally as VP, vain pot that is, and similarly mirrors the eccentricity of their better halfs. Just follow them when they select their toys, no not the tarts they choose when they are their slut self but when they shop for their sports shoes, or watches, or mobile phone or ogle over a fruit brand creation that has a audible sound similar to a gurls pleasure dome you would think m! other na ture was wise not to let men think themselves higher than the gurls by putting an X chromosome in the 23 rd chromosome that homo sapien possess while the gurl has two Xs.

So as much hard as the macho dude seems to want to show they are very much different with their gurl counterpart at least on wants and desires while on retail therapy, they cant avoid the X in them exhibiting itself, exposing the supposedly non-shopaholic nature they so defensively deny.

So the next time your lady boss seems a bit under the cloud, it may be more about the wrong choice of inner wear than any red letter issue, no?

One wonders if the survey is just another marketing ploy to get the gurls to own beyond their present 35 or 21 more pairs, not necessarily undies though, right?

And the 10% than goes out without any knickers? Hmmm that's left to be seen in relation to BolehLand's gurls! That's another observation for another boring day perhaps, huh?

Check the Sun, Dec 29, 2010 pg 20 for similar story.

ShopSmart Magazine
Womens undies affect their attitude, poll finds

The average woman owns 21 Pairs of underwear (panties or knickers). Ten percent of women own 35 pairs of panties or more, and ten percent of women admit to have actually gone out in public without wearing any knickers at all a somewhat risky adventure commonly referred to as going Commando.

Thats the finding of a new national poll in the United States published by ShopSmart magazine, who say that underwear isnt just the foundation of a womans outfit but of her whole attitude. One-in-four women told the magazine that they had their mood affected by wearing an ill fitting or unattractive pair of underwear.

The poll, which is featured in the January 2011 issue of ShopSmart from the publisher of Consumer Reports.

While nearly half of women (47 percent) feel sexier or more confident wearing a nice or special pair of undies, the poll also found that one-in-ten women admit ! they wil l venture out of the house without underwear on at all. In some cases, this might be a better option for the one-quarter of women who have a pair of underwear they would be too embarrassed for someone else to see.

What you wear under your clothes is just as important maybe even more as what you wear on the outside, said Lisa Lee Freeman, editor-in-chief of ShopSmart. So for our Look Better Dressed feature we recruited real women for underwear makeovers. Readers will also find the results of our first-ever body shapewear test, best lingerie websites, great fit tips and more.

How much does underwear matter?

Nearly one-quarter of women (21 percent) vary their underwear selection depending on their mood and 12 percent feel it is an important part of their outfit.

Topping the list of worst undergarment offenses is underwear or thong that sticks out of clothing, especially among those age 18-34 (49 percent) and age 35-54 (55 percent).

Half of women have complaints about the way their underwear fit, with wedgies topping the list at 30 percent, followed by doesnt lay flat under clothes (19 percent) and not enough coverage in the rear (14 percent).

In our drawers:

Almost two-thirds (65 percent) of women stick to neutral colors, with white (29 percent) most popular followed by black (21 percent) and beige (15 percent). No one is envious of green as it came in dead last (1 percent) behind red (2 percent), purple (4 percent), blue (5 percent), a print (6 percent) and pink (9 percent).

Women in the 18-34 age group seem more adventurous with their color choices with over one-third (35 percent) indicating a color, not a neutral, as their favorite pair and 12 percent who chose a print.
Nearly half of women (46 percent) cite the brief as the underwear style they wear most often, though women ages 18-34 skew towards the bikini style.

More than half of women (56 percent) overall fold their underwear; twenty-seven percent just toss it in the drawer.

! For more information, visit www.ShopSmartmag.org
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