Waiting for WikiLeaks’ UFO papers

By Stanley Koh

COMMENT UFO enthusiasts are likely to land themselves in a pool of deep disappointment if they are holding their breath for a WikiLeaks release of classified information on the highly controversial issue.

In a webchat with the Guardian about a month ago, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said that there were “some references to UFOs” among the files in his organisation’s possession.

Yet, although weeks have passed and more than 90,000 classified documents, including war logs, have been released in what has been referred to as the WikiLeaks Cabelgate, no information about UFOs has been forthcoming from Assange’s outfit.

High hopes and great expectations are fast diminishing among UFOlogists and just about anybody else interested in the paranormal phenomenon.

According to Assange, WikiLeaks is an international service organisation that helps whistleblowers and journalists make public information that governments want to keep secret. The organisation is
four-and-a-half years-old and has an enormous range of sensitive documents from different countries around the world.

Assange is facing rape and assault charges in Switzerland, and many of his supporters allege that these have been trumped up to punish him for causing diplomatic crises around the world through his exposure of cover-ups, lies and secrets.

“Many weirdoes email us about UFOs or how they discovered that they were the anti-Christ whilst talking with their ex-wife at a garden party over a pot-plant,” he said in the webchat. “However, as yet, they have not satisfied two of our publishing rules.”

The rules are that the documents must not be self-authored and must be original.

“However,” he said, “It is worth noting that in-yet-to-be-published parts of the Cablegate archives, there are indeed references to UFOs.

“WikiLeaks has also received a number of unsolicited tips on UFOs that seemed uncreditable or did not meet WikiLeaks’s standard for publishing.”

Raging debates

Does WikiLeaks really have documents on UFOs? If so, when will it release them?

In an email reply to FMT, Michael Horn, the official media representative of UFO contactee Billy Meier, said: “I think if there had been any important information, it (WikiLeaks) would have come out and/or commented on it.”

In a recent online interview, Stephen Bassett, who is executive director of the Paradigm Research Group of ExpoPolitics, which partially focuses on UFO and related extraterrestrial activities,
acknowledged that UFO enthusiasts were indeed awaiting the release of the WikiLeaks information on the subject.

American bloggers are blazing their online activities with raging debates and commentaries on this latest development on the subject.

“In a recent online question-and-answer session, Julian confirmed that they did (have possession of information on UFOs and related matters), but he did not promise it will be released any time soon,” said Billy Booth of About.com.

As time passes, the prospect of WikiLeaks releasing any such information is fading fast. The Guardian, which has invited readers to send in suggestions for an interactive search into the WikiLeaks archives, has put up this message for those intending to ask about references to the UFO issue:

“But before we go on, two housekeeping notes: despite what Assange said in his Q&A, there is no reference to aliens in the cables. Assange may have been having fun.”

Many UFOlogists contend that whatever WikiLeaks may disclose will only serve to confirm what they already know – that UFOs are real.

“It should not really be necessary for WikiLeaks (to disclose information) on UFOs or aliens as we all know they are all too real but prefer not to be recognised or have open contact with humans.
Having said that, the leaks would make terrific reading indeed,” commented an American blogger.

According to recent opinion poll, some 30% of Americans believe in the existence of UFOs.

Secrecy system

Will there be a catastrophic collapse in the secrecy system surrounding the UFO phenomenon if WikiLeaks finally does disclose information pointing to increased activities of extraterrestrials
around the globe?

According to experienced former top military officers, the secrecy and denial syndrome affecting governments around the world with regard to UFOs could be based on two factors.

First, the UFO phenomenon is a military embarrassment. The UFOs could just fly in and out with impunity, and governments are helpless to do anything about them.

Second, in exceptional cases as in the United States, there are suspicions that the top-level secrecy is related to the re-construction of military craft using advanced technology used by extraterrestrials whose ships had landed or crashed to earth. These visits and crashes are well documented, according to UFOlogists.

Some pundits say it is irrelevant to ask whether WikiLeaks will eventually release its UFO documents.

On April 22, 2009, public disclosures in Washington DC by prominent former astronauts, ex-military commanders and experts in space technology more than covered the ground.

In fact, there is so much compelling evidence and so many witnesses around the globe that any information WikiLeaks would release would probably be anti-climactic.

“Like Billy Meier, with his thousands of pages of transcripts of Pleiadian thought, UFO channellers have given rise to a considerable body of literature,” according to Alien Encounters, a 2004 Time-Life publication.


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