Malaysians MUST NOT Forget 2010!!

The curtain for 2010 will fall soon. I can safely say that 2010 has not been an impressive year for Malaysia. Through it all, the trials, tribulations, tragedies, victories and challenges reiterate the importance of NOT falling by the wayside in our endeavor to strive for a better nation. I decided to select memorable events for each month of the year in this post to emphasize the fact that we HAVE to plod on to realize our dream for a better Malaysia.
January 2010
1. The year started with a blast - literally - when we were shocked by the bombing of the Metro Tabernacle Church in Desa Melawati and the hacking of the judiciary website over the Allah issue as reported HERE in The Star. My blog post HERE gives a list of the many international news portals that reported the events.
2. On 16th January, I wrote HERE about Home Ministry secretary- general Datuk Seri Mahmood Adam's announcement in an interview yesterday that:
Students who join the Civil Defence or Rela cadet corps in school may find themselvesexempted from National Service under a Home Ministry proposal.
The ministry is seeking to recruit some 60,000 students for the two uniformed corps which offermilitary-style training as part of co-curriculum activities for secondary schools.
The training provided by Rela and the Civil Defence is even tougher than National Service. These two corps are also uniformed groups. Read more AT THIS LINK.
What has happened since then? To date, there have been no further announcements. Another flip-flop episode?
3. Then there was the unforgettable announcement of a Tea Party hosted by our PM for his Facebook and Twi! tter fol lowers just after Information Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim's statement that Malaysians, especially Muslims, must avoid being totally immersed in the internet culture, especially Facebook and Twitter. Read more HERE.
February 2010
1. Our Prime Minister's aide Datuk Nasir Safar made his famous statements as reported HERE andHERE on 2nd February.
2. On the same day, Tun Dr. Mahathir launched Perkasa Selangor in Ampang Jaya and made some head-turning statements. Unfortunately, the link to the report in TMI is broken but you can read my post on it HERE.
3. On 10th February, TMI carried an article on PERC's blistering report on Malaysia released at the end of January. The link is broken but you can read the article in MT HERE. PERC asserted that a group of elite minorities were dominating the national agenda to the extent that it was hurting Malaysias attractiveness to investors.
March 2010
1. There was the famous MCA elections in March and the soap operas that were featured. Read more HERE and HERE.
2. Mid-March saw the announcement by Deputy Finance Minister Chor Chee Heung that Malaysia will see a gradual reduction in its corporate and income tax rates once the proposed Goods and Services Tax (GST) is in place by mid-2011. More at THIS LINK.
April 2010
1. The problems plaguing the RM482 million Shah Alam Hospital HERE and also about the Kota Kinabalu General Hospital were reported HERE and HERE. My post on the issue can be accessedHERE.
2. Malaysiakini HERE reported that a top Utusan Malaysia editor has blamed Malaysiakini as the source of today's problems and described the online news portal's editor as a frustrated media person.
3. Former PKR lawmakers Bayan Baru MP Datuk Seri Zahrain Hashim and Kulim-Bandar Baharu MP Zulkifli Noordin. Information Minsiter Datuk Seri Rais! Yatim a nd Malaysian ambassador to the US, Datuk Seri Jamaluddin Jarjis followed our PM to Washington as part of the Malaysia-United States Caucus. Rais was deputising for Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman. I am sure we remember the disclosures that were revealed then. Read more HERE.
4. In mid-April, John Berthelsen of Asia Sentinel wrote his article about the submarine issue HEREand I also wrote one AT THIS LINK that generated an interesting debate.
5. The Hulu Selangor by-election was held in April and I am sure you need no reminders about the chain of events.
May 2010
1. The month began with an announcement HERE that press freedom in Malaysia was at an all time low.
2. Barry Wain's book "Malaysian Maverick" hit the newstands and the books literally flew off the shelves - an indication that many Malaysians want to know more about TDM.
3. On May 6th, pandemonium erupted in the Penang state legislative assembly today when opposition leader Azhar Ibrahim warned that there would be a repeat of the May 13 riots if the people lost confidence in the authorities. Read more HERE.
4. The second week of May saw much public debate over the sports betting issue. More HERE.
5. Don't forget Hishamuddin's statement that street crime in Malaysia was exaggerated by idle chatter of women while at the hairdressers as reported in The Malaysian Insider HERE.
6. Then there was the controversial double page advert about a certain lady HERE which, much later, was denied officially by that newspaper overseas.
7. Lee Weng Kiat of Malaysiakini reported HERE that RTM2 producer Chou Z Lam has been terminated from the TV station, following his damning allegations of political interference over popular current affairs programme 'Galeri Mandarin Nasional'.
8. Mid-May saw the DAP win the Sibu by-election.
9. Free Malaysia Today posted THIS! ARTICLE about how teachers may be required to sit for an exam to obtain their teaching licence to pursue their teaching profession just like doctors and lawyers, if the Education Ministry's proposal is accepted. My post on this topic can be accessed AT THIS LINK.
10. On 27th May 2010, Idris Jala gave a statement as reported in Malaysiakini HERE as to how Malaysia risks becoming the next Greece unless voters swallow subsidy cuts that will see the price of petrol, food, electricity and other staples rise. He also warned us as to how the nation could be bankrupt by 2019.
June 2010
1. This article HERE that the government is considering moving the Parliament to the Putrajaya administrative capital, a move which could cost up to RM800 million. You can also read more about it HERE.
2. Please read my post on Please Sir, We Don't Understand English about how news reporters and police involved in the investigation did not understand English and the meaning of sedition. That post generated 66 comments!
3. Azhar Ibrahim expressed his belief that the state Umno believes Barisan Nasional can win back the Penang government from Pakatan Rakyat in the next general election. He is confident that Umno in particular could win more than the current 11 seats it won in the 2008 general election because of grassroot strength and the return of many rural Malay and Indian voters to the BN fold.
4. World Cup Fever!!!
5. THIS ARTICLE revealed The new Istana Negara in Jalan Duta will now cost more than RM800 million, and not RM400 million as announced by the government in 2006.
6. Tourism Minister Ng Yen Yen in a written reply to Batu Gajah MP Fong Poh Kuan in Parliament as reported HERE by Malaysiakini reportedly spent RM35 MILLION on the Malaysian Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo!!
7. The Malaysia Insider reported HERE that Malaysia reported a RM19.6 billion shortfall in its balance of payments partly due to an unusually high errors and omissions deficit of RM30.5 billion in the first quarter of this year.
Most alarming is the fact that this is the second consecutive quarter where Malaysia reported a shortfall in its balance of payments.
My post on this topic can be accessed AT THIS LINK.
8. UPSR and PMR to be abolished?
9. Friends of PR was launched in UK on June 21.
10. The missing jets returned!! Read more HERE.
July 2010 to September 2010 (am tired already so I am compressing everything)
1. Spain wins the World Cup!
2. 1st memorial for the late Teoh Beng Hock
3. Cyberspace was abuzz in mid-July with reports of how American socialite Paris Hilton was briefly held by police on the French island of Corsica after being caught with cannabis in her handbag according to police sources as reported in many websites. My post on this issue generated over 11 000 hits. Somehow, paparazzi styled topics always have high appeal.
4. Home Minister announced HERE that a special unit has been set up to look out for Internet postings that can ignite racial tension and cause disunity.
5. Malaysiakini reported HERE today that Pemandu unveiled ambitious plans to boost its economy by mobilising hundreds of billions of dollars of private investment, although questions remained over whether the money would materialise.
October to December 2010
1. Syed Hamid Albar made his famous statement HERE.
2. In The Star, Johor Baru Puteri Umno chief Azura Mohd Afandi urged the Information Ministry to curb television shows and commercials that could lead people astray from the right religious paths. She said, Horror films and commercials deemed too sexy ! for youn g viewers might lead to deviant teachings. For example, commercials on sanitary pads are openly shown on TV and this could influence the young to get involved in social ills, said Azura, urging the ministry to increase shows that teach good values and religious practices.
3. Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said HERE that history will be a must-pass subject in Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) examination from 2013 along with the Bahasa Malaysia subject for students to obtain the SPM certificate.
4. MCLM was launched in London.
I have not mentioned other incidents related to political parties such as the resignation of Datuk Ibrahim, the Ronnie Liu controversy, PKR elections etc etc because I have mentioned them in recent posts.
The above list is NOT exhaustive but a small sample of the horrible news that have hit our shores this year.
It is up to US to make our future better. With the next GE looming round the corner, remember Voter-Get-Voters' tag line:
Vote for a BETTER Malaysia
Vote For A Government bent on eradicating Corruptions,Racism,Abuse of Human Rights, ISA, OSA
A Government of the People, by the People & for the People
It is up to US to make CHANGE happen in Malaysia. Together, we CAN!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR, FOLKS!! Drive safely wherever you may be.
courtesy of masterwordsmith-unplugged
See What Pakatan Rakyat Gotta Say?