We are all behind our security forces! We question the quality of the thinking behind the people who decide the fate of this country.
I have written a long time ago, if you claim ownership over stupidity, you have to defend it stupidly. If you claim ownership over a wrong, then you to wrongly defend it.
No one questions the dedication of our armed forces or police personnel in discharging their duties. No one can claim they are better at empathizing and grieving for our dead warriors.
We are questioning the government's ineptness in handling the situation in Lahad Datu. The could-have-been avoidable deaths of our security forces lie at the hands of our incompetent leaders. Please remember this.
Only UMNO people have this kind of thinking, only UMNO Malays are Malays and by extension only those sharing the UMNO thinking are capable of grieving and sad over deaths. Please don't patronize us with your sanctimonious saintliness.
This isn't about an issue whether Tian Chia belittles the capabilities of VAT69 or something. He never said that anyway. But our armed personnel had suffered senseless and unnecessary casualties because of government's incompetence. It's the failure of this government that has placed armed personnel from our police and military in harm's way.
So don't confuse the issue by admitting lies and deceit. We are judging the government capabilities in this case, not questioning the capabilities and dedication our forces. Of course we need to know, whether the equipment which we provide our security forces are operationally capable. Where are our military transport planes? We are forced to use Air Asia planes to transport out troops so that what? Tony Fernandez may charge the government emergency fees? That still leaves us with the question- how is the state of our military logistics? We don't even have troop carriers? What next- troops travel overland in Protons?
The government's incompetence has spilled over into a failure to safeguard the safety of its citizens. How easy can the nation's defences be breached. We have sophisticated surveillance outposts on the Sabah coastline, we have expensive patrol vessels and we have F16s and whatever we civilians don't know which our politicians and army generals have bought.
And the most appalling thing is the thinking quality of those people having power to decide what to do.
We who hit out at the government are no less patriotic than they. We support our armed forces and we grieved too for the deaths of our finest. So far 8 of our warriors have died. We write because we believed the deaths were unnecessary if the government leaders have acted decisively and precisely.
The issue here isn't about the twisted version of what some people think about the quality of our police commandos VAT69 or what. The issue here is the lackadaisical attitude of our country's leaders and its incompetence. This is an armed incursion on our territory which must be dealt with by the military. The home minister says the group of intruders are old people, wearing slippers and sarongs, not armed and are all malnourished. The chief of army on the hand- actually praised the intruders saying they had combat experience and were skilled in insurgency tactics. So which is which?
We repeat again- the whole incident escalated because the government is incompetent. Because they have vested interests there.
Mahathir is the last person to judge whether the Sulus acted Islamic or otherwise. He is the last person we must listen when he was excusing the ineptness of government to take immediate and substantial responses by saying the intruders are Muslims. Ibrahim Libya and his followers are Muslims- did the government take 1 month to negotiate with them? Ibrahim and his followers were armed with parangs and cangkuls, so they were given no quarters. Najib and his government are like the school bullies picking on some people smaller than they.
All of us citizens- less the UMNO paid bloggers who will defend everything like what stupid do should be alarmed by the complacency of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and his cabinet about state security. As one blogger puts it, "He is a bumbling Prime Minister who trips from one scandal to another. He is adept at posturing on the world stage, but fails to grasp the seriousness of situations at home"
So we come to the question which Tun Daim said several years ago- does Najib have what it takes to run the country? Sure, no one is perfect but there is always someone better. Why should we settle for mediocrity when we have more capable leaders?
When the invasion took place, was Najib misinformed by cousin Hisham that everything is under control and the intruders are harmless people. In a classic error of judgement, Najib refused to take a break from political campaigning, preferring instead to get a head start before officially announcing the date of GE-13.
So I ask again like the questions I put up in my last articles, on whose hands are their blood? Does Najib covet power above all else? Najib's incompetence has played into the hands of Sabah separatists – both internal and external. With this kind of leaders, we still want to support him? He is capable of only one thing nowadays- when cornered he turns to the usual bogeyman, Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.
Anwar is a super villain – a friend of Israel, Turkey, the United States and their Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), someone with uncontrollable sexual urges who masterminds fiscal deals, and who is also a porn star. Najib now wants to accuse Anwar of being the mastermind of the invading army.
We may all have some misgivings about Anwar- but as I have said several times before, if more people find Anwar believable, there is nothing, you, I, or Mahathir can do. Najib is of course worse off, what can he be expected to do? A carpet seller accuses him and the wife of massive corruption, he keeps quiet. A private investigator clearly points the murder and execution of a Mongolian lady at the doors of the PM's house, he keeps quiet.
And what did the bunging and sexually excited tourism minister do? Like the mayor in the Jaws movie did, he pulled aside the marine ranger asking him to keep quiet about the presence of a killer shark. Otherwise the deaths and the shark will scare away the tourists. So Yen Yen says, Sabah is safe for tourists. Why doesn't she conduct a bus tour in Lahad Datu, Kunak and Semporna?
Ulasan Menteri Pertahanan:Insiden Lahad Datu
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