SHOCK!! AES Concessionaires Allowed to use JPJ logo on their private Company Vehicles!!!!
KASE is seeking a explanation from the Transport Minister, Datuk Seri Kong Cho Ha dan Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) Director with regards to the AES Concessionaires being allowed to use the JPJ symbol or logo in their Company private vehicles, such as shown above..
Legal Advisor for KASE, Zulhazmi Shariff claim, from the information gather from a source, , Syarikat Beta Tegap Sdn Bhd and ATES Sdn Bhd have been "granted" to use the JPJ logo on their 4-wheel drive Toyota Fortuner although they are not government or JPJ owned vehicles.
"What is happening is that, from information received by us, ATES and Beta Tegap have used the same colour as the JPJ vehicle, are using JPJ logo and below with the word "Automated Enforcement System' when these vehicles are not government properties.
Will the Transport Minister or JPJ Director care to explain?
source : Addin
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