Waytha, what change are you expecting?
YOURSAY 'If Indians don't realise that the person who can best help is already there - themselves - then they can dream on.'
Waythamoorthy seeks meeting with Najib and Anwar
Odin: Hindraf chief P Waythamoorthy, deep in your mind, do you really believe that there is even a glimmer of hope that the present government will do something concrete to solve the Indian quandary?
I think there is only total darkness in that intangible continuum. The best option for you is to get from Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim his solemn promise to address the problem when Pakatan Rakyat gets into power and you rally the Indians to support his coalition.
If he does not give you the promise, then you will have a near insurmountable problem because your only option left is to rally as many Indians as you are able to form a politicial party, and choose the most capable among them to contest GE13, but the time left is far too short for all that.
Nevertheless, where there's a will, there's a way, no?
Malaysian For Justice: Fantastic move. It's time that the problem be addressed objectively and with the intention to solve it permanently.
We cannot go on having different understanding of the! problem or the way in which it needs to be addressed. This is a great opportunity for the people who can contribute to a real solution.
Anticommunalist: This is indeed a great move by the Hindraf chairperson. Anwar should seize this opportunity to begin talks with Hindraf officially.
Hindraf has already stated their intentions that they are taking a non-political stand and want to deal with all parties to resolve long-standing issues involving the marginalised Indian.
Since Waytha's return, his meet-the-people forums nationwide (Johor, Negeri Sembilan, Selangor, Perak, Pahang, Penang and Kedah) has been packed with supporters. This has indeed raised quite a few eyebrows.
Hindraf has the mandate of the Indian people. Any political coalition party that ignores Hindraf's widespread grassroot support and appeal will surely find it costly at the coming GE.
Cloudnine: Former MIC president S Samy Vellu, the most powerful Indian chief, was powerless to help the Indians. If Indians don't realise that the person who can best help is already there - themselves - then they can dream on.
Waythamoorthy seeks meeting with Najib and Anwar
I think there is only total darkness in that intangible continuum. The best option for you is to get from Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim his solemn promise to address the problem when Pakatan Rakyat gets into power and you rally the Indians to support his coalition.
If he does not give you the promise, then you will have a near insurmountable problem because your only option left is to rally as many Indians as you are able to form a politicial party, and choose the most capable among them to contest GE13, but the time left is far too short for all that.
Nevertheless, where there's a will, there's a way, no?
Malaysian For Justice: Fantastic move. It's time that the problem be addressed objectively and with the intention to solve it permanently.
We cannot go on having different understanding of the! problem or the way in which it needs to be addressed. This is a great opportunity for the people who can contribute to a real solution.
Anticommunalist: This is indeed a great move by the Hindraf chairperson. Anwar should seize this opportunity to begin talks with Hindraf officially.
Hindraf has already stated their intentions that they are taking a non-political stand and want to deal with all parties to resolve long-standing issues involving the marginalised Indian.
Since Waytha's return, his meet-the-people forums nationwide (Johor, Negeri Sembilan, Selangor, Perak, Pahang, Penang and Kedah) has been packed with supporters. This has indeed raised quite a few eyebrows.
Hindraf has the mandate of the Indian people. Any political coalition party that ignores Hindraf's widespread grassroot support and appeal will surely find it costly at the coming GE.
Cloudnine: Former MIC president S Samy Vellu, the most powerful Indian chief, was powerless to help the Indians. If Indians don't realise that the person who can best help is already there - themselves - then they can dream on.
Anonymous_3e86: Waythamoorthy didn't learn from the past lessons. Fifty-five years of BN rule and the Indian community is still marginalised. It will not change if BN wins again. Their warlords won't let it happen.
The Chinese has realised this. BN will only promise, but Pakatan shows promise. I will never trust BN again. Never!
Kgen: Waytha, there is no need to call both camps and try to play off one against the other. BN has been ruling for the past 55 years so don't pretend you don't know the status quo. Whatever freebie you can get from BN now is temporary, patchy and meaningless.
The Indian problem can only be solved in a holistic manner by changes in key national policies, not by getting more money for Tamil schools or land for Hindu temples. Such policy changes can only happen with a change in government and your best and only chance is to help Pakatan kick out BN.
So why are you wasting your time calling on Najib? Do what you know must be done - throw your support behind Pakatan. BN will throw you some sweets, eat you up and expel you through its rear, and you will end up in a pile of poop.
Don't fall for the same trap as others have - demanding what Pakatan cannot give and then saying, "See, nothing has been done for Indians".
If Hindraf cannot trust Pakatan, then at least help to create a two- party system. Once that is in place, you can demand and play kingmaker all you want.
At this stage, everybody must work together to create a two-party system to spur democratic competition. It won't exist unless BN loses power, at least once.
Vasudevan: Waythamoorthy, you were a hero to the Hindraf movement. I think it takes a lot of guts to do what you did.
So I won't condemn you but I am amazed how you can even consider to sell your soul to the same government that put the Indians in prison and did not allow you your passport to return to your motherland, Malaysia.
What happened to you? Come on, brother, have you lost your objectives or are you blind?
Bumiasli: Hey, some of you negative thinkers... so what if others have screwed it up? Nothing can be achieved through one try. Waytha is doing the right thing.
The government is made up of BN and Pakatan, so he should talk to both. Otherwise, each party will pass the baby to the other. Waytha should ignore those negative people who can only speak out against taking any move. If you guys can't do anything, let those who dare to do it go ahead.
Conmen: No one can deny that Hindraf was a force to be reckoned with in 2008. But since then, it has become a spent force and lost its thunder. Umno had already hijacked their agenda of makkal sakthi (people power).
Whatever Waytha and his brother, Uthayakumar, want to do now cannot even convince anybody. Worst, they still like to throw their weight around to promote themselves and demand the impossible. These two brothers are arrogating self-importance.
Unless the Indians as a whole throw their lot together with the mass of the other races in Malaysia to fight for justice and equality collectively for the commo! n good, t! hey will go nowhere.
Without direction, as at present they are being manipulated by BN, they will become irrelevant to the cause of our collective struggle to reject the BN.
Onyourtoes: I suggest Anwar not to meet Hindraf. It is for Hindraf to decide where their future lies. If Najib wants to meet and if they can strike a deal, so be it.
It is better for us to be upfront and honest about the plight of Indians. It is time for the Indians to think of their own problems and solving it.
Satu Malaysian: Waytha, good try but don't expect long term, permanent and structured solutions from Najib.
He has done his uttermost, that is, given some handouts, and made some promises (left to be seen) sloganeering it as 'nambikei' (trust). Anything more and he will be whacked by his wife, Rosmah Mansor, and his warlords.
I doubt Najib or Umno for that matter is banking on Indian votes which are actually split 11 ways. He just does not want Pakatan to benefit from these votes. Your only hope is Anwar, but he too has so far refused to make a stand on resolving the Indian problems for obvious reasons (Malay votes).
Unless you can unite the Indians as a force as in 2007, you lack the required bargaining chips to negotiate from a position of strength. Anyway, every little bit helps. Best of luck.
Unspin: My suggestion is for Waytha to list down the solutions that he wants implemented for the marginalised Indian community e.g. minimum wage, better medical care and comfortable housing ! for worke! rs in the estates, more Tamil schools, more scholarships, more university places, freedom of religious practices, etc.
In that way, it would be more productive for everyone concerned.
1419: What Waytha is doing may not be to the liking of many of us, including me. But then, what he is doing is politically correct.
The Chinese has realised this. BN will only promise, but Pakatan shows promise. I will never trust BN again. Never!
Kgen: Waytha, there is no need to call both camps and try to play off one against the other. BN has been ruling for the past 55 years so don't pretend you don't know the status quo. Whatever freebie you can get from BN now is temporary, patchy and meaningless.
The Indian problem can only be solved in a holistic manner by changes in key national policies, not by getting more money for Tamil schools or land for Hindu temples. Such policy changes can only happen with a change in government and your best and only chance is to help Pakatan kick out BN.
So why are you wasting your time calling on Najib? Do what you know must be done - throw your support behind Pakatan. BN will throw you some sweets, eat you up and expel you through its rear, and you will end up in a pile of poop.
Don't fall for the same trap as others have - demanding what Pakatan cannot give and then saying, "See, nothing has been done for Indians".
If Hindraf cannot trust Pakatan, then at least help to create a two- party system. Once that is in place, you can demand and play kingmaker all you want.
At this stage, everybody must work together to create a two-party system to spur democratic competition. It won't exist unless BN loses power, at least once.
Vasudevan: Waythamoorthy, you were a hero to the Hindraf movement. I think it takes a lot of guts to do what you did.
So I won't condemn you but I am amazed how you can even consider to sell your soul to the same government that put the Indians in prison and did not allow you your passport to return to your motherland, Malaysia.
What happened to you? Come on, brother, have you lost your objectives or are you blind?
Bumiasli: Hey, some of you negative thinkers... so what if others have screwed it up? Nothing can be achieved through one try. Waytha is doing the right thing.
The government is made up of BN and Pakatan, so he should talk to both. Otherwise, each party will pass the baby to the other. Waytha should ignore those negative people who can only speak out against taking any move. If you guys can't do anything, let those who dare to do it go ahead.
Conmen: No one can deny that Hindraf was a force to be reckoned with in 2008. But since then, it has become a spent force and lost its thunder. Umno had already hijacked their agenda of makkal sakthi (people power).
Whatever Waytha and his brother, Uthayakumar, want to do now cannot even convince anybody. Worst, they still like to throw their weight around to promote themselves and demand the impossible. These two brothers are arrogating self-importance.
Unless the Indians as a whole throw their lot together with the mass of the other races in Malaysia to fight for justice and equality collectively for the commo! n good, t! hey will go nowhere.
Without direction, as at present they are being manipulated by BN, they will become irrelevant to the cause of our collective struggle to reject the BN.
Onyourtoes: I suggest Anwar not to meet Hindraf. It is for Hindraf to decide where their future lies. If Najib wants to meet and if they can strike a deal, so be it.
It is better for us to be upfront and honest about the plight of Indians. It is time for the Indians to think of their own problems and solving it.
Satu Malaysian: Waytha, good try but don't expect long term, permanent and structured solutions from Najib.
He has done his uttermost, that is, given some handouts, and made some promises (left to be seen) sloganeering it as 'nambikei' (trust). Anything more and he will be whacked by his wife, Rosmah Mansor, and his warlords.
I doubt Najib or Umno for that matter is banking on Indian votes which are actually split 11 ways. He just does not want Pakatan to benefit from these votes. Your only hope is Anwar, but he too has so far refused to make a stand on resolving the Indian problems for obvious reasons (Malay votes).
Unless you can unite the Indians as a force as in 2007, you lack the required bargaining chips to negotiate from a position of strength. Anyway, every little bit helps. Best of luck.
Unspin: My suggestion is for Waytha to list down the solutions that he wants implemented for the marginalised Indian community e.g. minimum wage, better medical care and comfortable housing ! for worke! rs in the estates, more Tamil schools, more scholarships, more university places, freedom of religious practices, etc.
In that way, it would be more productive for everyone concerned.
1419: What Waytha is doing may not be to the liking of many of us, including me. But then, what he is doing is politically correct.
Welcome to the world of politics, where you need to play the right cards and pull the right strings to get heard. - Malaysiakini
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