Congratulations, Negara Ku Malaysia
August 30, 2012
Congratulations, Negara Ku Malaysia on the occasion of Merdeka Day (August 31, 2012)
August 31, 2012 will be celebrated in grand style. Some say it is Rais Yatim's day to show case the occasion with pomp and ceremony. Nothing is further than the truth. It is, in fact, our day as Malaysians.
Jalur Gemilang (the Malaysian Flag) will be flown with pride throughout the length and breadth of our country and there will be parade at Dataran Merdeka. Kuala Lumpur to commemorate the occasion, to be followed by spectacular fireworks at night.
We deserve to pat ourselves on the back, as we have lived in relative peace and harmony for 55 years as an independent nation (discounting the view of some "eminent" home grown historians who said that we never colonised by the British). Politics aside.
We should use this occasion to reflect on the fact that we have together as One Nation (not yet as One People) and resolve that from this day on, we will work hard to achieve a developed nation status by 2020 and be Malaysians, not Malays, Chinese, Indians and others.
It is not often that I would quote the views of a journalist from the UMNO -controlled New Straits Times. But on this special day, I am pleased to quote Chok Suat Ling, who wrote: "The country is free from strife, grinding poverty, and the raucous scenes we are now seeing in some other parts of the world. There is no war, no need to dodge bullets when walking out in the open." I agree with her. But this should be the pretext to remain contented with the status quo.
We need change, peaceful change that is, and free ourselves from the chains of mediocrity, incompetence and corruption. We should seek to establish a government with the conviction and political will to deal with these issues. We must insist that government worthy our support must serve the people. Merdeka Day should be the occasion for us to renew our faith in our country. Our country is what we as a people make it out to be. Surely we can make Malaysia a haven of peace and harmony for all. Selamat Hari Merdeka.–Din Merican
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