Cool and Committed Malaysians # 1 – Ahmad Fakri Abu Samah
The Merdeka Cool and Committed Malaysians stories start off with the King of the Mountains, Ahmad Fakri Abu Samah or better known as Manai.
I first met Manai in November in 2011 when he, together with our travel agent, came to my office to brief our team on our proposed trek to the Everest Base Camp. When he was introduced to me, I could hardly believe my ears when I was told that he had climbed to the summit of Mt. Everest (he did it in 2007). [I always had this impression that all the mountaineers where burly and muscular]. Manai is a skinny fellow (but very handsome), lightly built and completely down-to-earth. It took a while for me to accept that such a person could have climbed the highest mountain in the world.
Manai succesfully climbed the peak of Mount Everest in 2007, together with 5 others from Kembara Negara. Since then, he has climbed all the highest summits in all 7 continents. When he reached the peak on Mount McKinley in Alaska on 24 June 2011, he, together with his colleague Ahmad Reduan Rozali, became the first Malaysians to conquer all the highest peaks in all 7 continents (the Seven Summits). The duo started this epic journey in 2005 by climbing Mt. Kosciuszko in Australia (highest peak in Oceania). They completed Mt. Kilimanjaro (Africa) in 2006, Mt Everest (Asia) in 2007, Mt Elbrus (Europe) in 2010 and Mt. Vinson Massif (Antartica) and Mt Aconcagua (South America) in 2011.
Folks, let me remind you how difficult it is to climb these mountains. Hundreds of people have died in their attempts. Many attempt but fail. IT IS FREAKIN' DIFFICULT. You face winds up to 120 km/hr, temperatures as low as -50 deg C, frostbite, oxygen levels that are less than half of that at sea level and spend weeks in very inhospitable environments. The peak of Everest is 8848m or over 29,000 feet (that's the height that modern jets fly). It is a superhuman effort. It takes extreme discipline and commitment to achieve such feat.
Very few people in this world have done the Seven Summits – and we should be proud that two young Malaysians have done it. [BTW, Ahmad Reduan is the only Malaysian to have summited the Everest twice].
Nowadays, in between his job as a lawyer, Manai guides various climbers up mountains all over the world. He is at the moment in Tanzania, guiding a group of Malaysians up Mount Kilimanjaro. [just received message that the group summitted Kilimanjaro on the eve of Hari Raya]
Manai (in black) and Monyet King somewhere along the Everest Base Camp Trek in March, 2011
Manai posing with his photo which is displayed at the Sherpa musuem in Namche Bazaar. It is a real acheivement if the Sherpas think you are worthy of being displayed at their museum.
The Chomolunga (Mt Everest) seen from the Base Camp
Manai and Mat at the peak of Mt McKinley, Alaska in June 2011
For someone who has accomplished so much, Manai is the humblest person on the planet. (unlike some people I know – baru naik Bukit Gasing sudah rioh sekampung). Listening to his stories about his adventures, he makes it sound so easy - although we all know that it requires superhuman effort to do what he has done. BTW, Manai is only 31 years old and a lawyer by training (although I cannot imagine him in a courtroom). Girls, he already has a girlfriend.
Monyet King and all the inhabitants of the Planet of the Monyets salute Manai for his accomplishments in mountaineering. More and more Malaysians are now attempting the high peaks all over the world, encouraged by Manai (and Mat's) accomplishment. It is people like him that make our country great. I hope those of you reading this article, are inspired by his feat – and that you too will take up challenges that are close to your heart.
Selamat Hari Merdeka, Manai.
Monyet King and all the inhabitants of the Planet of the Monyets also takes this opportunity to salute M. Magendran and N. Mohandass for being the first Malaysians to summit the Everest – having done it on 23 May 1999. They charted the way for people like Manai and Mat to climb the highest peak in the world and eventually the Seven Summits.
17 Cool and Committed Malaysians series
The 17 Cool and Committed Malaysians series is produced by Planet of the Monyets in conjunction with our Hari Merdeka and Hari Malaysia 2012. 17 Malaysians (or group of Malaysians) who have served or are serving our country or made it proud because of their accomplishments will be featured. 1 story every day, for 17 days. 31 August till 16 September. They may not be big names. But they are men and women who serve Malaysia well – through their commitment to work, charity, sports and arts. They are role models for the rest of us. Malaysia needs heroes, hope and good news. This is the monyets' way of spreading cheer, giving hope and creating a more positive Malaysia. Read more here.
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