Water Torture to Selangor Folks
During ancient times, evil rulers and sadist police or defence apparatus carry out 'water torture' where you let the poor prisoner submerge into near drowning state or the 'Chinese water torture' you pour water on the fellow's face covered with a wet cloth.
The tug of wa(te)r over control of water supply in Selangor under a Pakatan and a concession company handed the water supply of treated water is bringing miseries to the people of Selangor, the state where most contribute a high percentage of taxes.
Private corporations are given power to hold the citizens to ransom over the elements of nature, wind, water, earth now even energy (fire from the sun). They are behaving like warlords courtesy of the behaviour of the previous State government of sucking up to concessionaires, practicing cronyism, nepotism and corruption too as some how these companies have links to power leaders in political parties!!!
Toll roads and property development in the hands of a few fellows, so too water treatment, power supplier given help and can even hold government to ransom on tariffs. In fact everyone of these greedy corporations are holding the government to ransom even thought they were given soft loan, taxpayers' money to start up. Now they demand hike in tariffs and report huge profit thereafter! And we are told these few cronies private interprises are doing national duty hah!
Each time Syabas say water ration, it rains. One wonders where all the rainwater goes and why the dams are drying? Perhaps all the runoff get channelled into the Smart tunnel and flow out into the sea than the dams hah!
When it's water, water, everywhere, the people are told it's dry, drier, driest!
The water issue is being politicised. Even given free water is being mocked at as vote buying! Hmm wonder what all those BR1M, two pairs free 1taxi tires, free money for youth to volunteer, one month bonus and 1Malaysia playing oh-man-dollin-out-money piper man reminding of this janji ditepati campaigns are n! ot considered vote buying but janji ditepati huh? Didn't the Pakatan felllow promised free water if they get voted.So what makes 1Malaysia's janji ditepati more tepat than Pakatan's free water and other free initiatives they undertake.
Selangor folks must decide who is responsible or whether at this point, both sides should be trying to gain political mileage out of the miseries of the common people!
When taps run dry, the politicans are already gearing up for their own spin to blame the other side. The fasting month is probably the 'dry-run' on how to politicise the issue once the gates of heaven closes. Oh that means the devils are out putting up such concerned look to 'kesian' Selamgor folks because of water saltage!
Let us see how long both sides will let the citizens drown in water shortage while they haggle over who is responsible.
Odd, 1Malaysia chose not to engage with the Pakatan government in Selangor to resolve it. Is it a show to remimd the people it's Pakatan's fault for the mess w are in today!
Concessionaires have been so pampered in the past that they are probably awaiting the return of UMNO leadership in Selangor so that they can get the trickle of richness and can't wait to be drown in the cash when their ole friends return to 'scratch their back eh'
Meanwhile, Selangor folks, this water shortage is a blessing in disguise, as when you buy more plastic pails, you are contributing toward us achieving high income society by 2020. Never mimd if about to wait for hours to fill up your precious pails or even water bottles.
Welcome to a failing on high gear BolehLand where all the high income your earn can't even give you assurance of getting water to even rinse your mouth! while those politicians are battling with Posidens to rule over the water world.
World's greatest IPO centre, world greatest this and that, basic water in a flooded country blessed by God with rain, water rationing pulak! What a sham shame right? When politicians speak they contribute to global warming, all hot air from their mouth. In BolehLand when our politicans speak, they also bring about arid dry situations too!
When these gods fight with ordinary folks, don't expect the Chief God to want to interfere with the battle between the Acquarian Gods and mortals. You see our Zeus, by the name of 1Malaysia is squeezing the state government's and also the citizens of Selangor and Kuala Lumpur in holding them to ransom. "Najib said the problem could be resolved by the Barisan Nasional government "but we have to wait until the time comes when the people of Selangor make their choice and choose a government that can do it"....it was reported in The Star on July 26.
And this is a government of the people who make deals and place the hand on the tap head and holding the citizens to ransom that if they want water they should know what to do... the now famous legacy besides the digit 1 is 'you scratch my back, gau tolong I, I give you water this time! Given this subtle hostage taking of the citizens, are we voting for a leader for all or only those who scratch his back huh?
In Greek mythology the Gods don't interfere in the affairs of men. In BolehLand, our god-men politicians are all leading us to beyond just to a 'watery' grave on this water issue - we are also heading for a Greek tragedy of sorts - and that isn't related to some ancient mythology which is God related. Ours is a Greek tragedy - a man made crisis looming entirely due to man trying to be Gods.
Zeus must really be real in modern times taking the forms of leaders who claim themselves like God and hold their people to ransom over water this ! time. Our! modern Zeus is alive as what is happening in Greece seems a replay of a Greek tragedy of sorts being acted out and this tragedy seems to be visiting surrounding nations. It's anyone's guess, when this Greek tragedy play will arrive in BolehLand eh?
Meanwhile, hold on as long to your pee so that your body in its survival instinct can re-channel back your precious yellow liquid in your reservoir as life saving juices. When mother nature calls and you try and stop it, you'd feel someone is squeezing your crown jewels. Yup, that's what our leaders with their hands on the head tap are doing to tax paying citizens too hah!
The event today was part of an ongoing campaign by Hindraf to call for all ISA detainees to be freed and that the law, which allows for detention without trial, be abolished. Full story at Malaysiakini.com Camera and editing by Indrani Kopal Video Rating: 4 / 5
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The tug of wa(te)r over control of water supply in Selangor under a Pakatan and a concession company handed the water supply of treated water is bringing miseries to the people of Selangor, the state where most contribute a high percentage of taxes.
Private corporations are given power to hold the citizens to ransom over the elements of nature, wind, water, earth now even energy (fire from the sun). They are behaving like warlords courtesy of the behaviour of the previous State government of sucking up to concessionaires, practicing cronyism, nepotism and corruption too as some how these companies have links to power leaders in political parties!!!
Toll roads and property development in the hands of a few fellows, so too water treatment, power supplier given help and can even hold government to ransom on tariffs. In fact everyone of these greedy corporations are holding the government to ransom even thought they were given soft loan, taxpayers' money to start up. Now they demand hike in tariffs and report huge profit thereafter! And we are told these few cronies private interprises are doing national duty hah!
Each time Syabas say water ration, it rains. One wonders where all the rainwater goes and why the dams are drying? Perhaps all the runoff get channelled into the Smart tunnel and flow out into the sea than the dams hah!
When it's water, water, everywhere, the people are told it's dry, drier, driest!
The water issue is being politicised. Even given free water is being mocked at as vote buying! Hmm wonder what all those BR1M, two pairs free 1taxi tires, free money for youth to volunteer, one month bonus and 1Malaysia playing oh-man-dollin-out-money piper man reminding of this janji ditepati campaigns are n! ot considered vote buying but janji ditepati huh? Didn't the Pakatan felllow promised free water if they get voted.So what makes 1Malaysia's janji ditepati more tepat than Pakatan's free water and other free initiatives they undertake.
Selangor folks must decide who is responsible or whether at this point, both sides should be trying to gain political mileage out of the miseries of the common people!
When taps run dry, the politicans are already gearing up for their own spin to blame the other side. The fasting month is probably the 'dry-run' on how to politicise the issue once the gates of heaven closes. Oh that means the devils are out putting up such concerned look to 'kesian' Selamgor folks because of water saltage!
Let us see how long both sides will let the citizens drown in water shortage while they haggle over who is responsible.
Odd, 1Malaysia chose not to engage with the Pakatan government in Selangor to resolve it. Is it a show to remimd the people it's Pakatan's fault for the mess w are in today!
Concessionaires have been so pampered in the past that they are probably awaiting the return of UMNO leadership in Selangor so that they can get the trickle of richness and can't wait to be drown in the cash when their ole friends return to 'scratch their back eh'
Meanwhile, Selangor folks, this water shortage is a blessing in disguise, as when you buy more plastic pails, you are contributing toward us achieving high income society by 2020. Never mimd if about to wait for hours to fill up your precious pails or even water bottles.
Welcome to a failing on high gear BolehLand where all the high income your earn can't even give you assurance of getting water to even rinse your mouth! while those politicians are battling with Posidens to rule over the water world.
World's greatest IPO centre, world greatest this and that, basic water in a flooded country blessed by God with rain, water rationing pulak! What a sham shame right? When politicians speak they contribute to global warming, all hot air from their mouth. In BolehLand when our politicans speak, they also bring about arid dry situations too!
When these gods fight with ordinary folks, don't expect the Chief God to want to interfere with the battle between the Acquarian Gods and mortals. You see our Zeus, by the name of 1Malaysia is squeezing the state government's and also the citizens of Selangor and Kuala Lumpur in holding them to ransom. "Najib said the problem could be resolved by the Barisan Nasional government "but we have to wait until the time comes when the people of Selangor make their choice and choose a government that can do it"....it was reported in The Star on July 26.
And this is a government of the people who make deals and place the hand on the tap head and holding the citizens to ransom that if they want water they should know what to do... the now famous legacy besides the digit 1 is 'you scratch my back, gau tolong I, I give you water this time! Given this subtle hostage taking of the citizens, are we voting for a leader for all or only those who scratch his back huh?
In Greek mythology the Gods don't interfere in the affairs of men. In BolehLand, our god-men politicians are all leading us to beyond just to a 'watery' grave on this water issue - we are also heading for a Greek tragedy of sorts - and that isn't related to some ancient mythology which is God related. Ours is a Greek tragedy - a man made crisis looming entirely due to man trying to be Gods.
Zeus must really be real in modern times taking the forms of leaders who claim themselves like God and hold their people to ransom over water this ! time. Our! modern Zeus is alive as what is happening in Greece seems a replay of a Greek tragedy of sorts being acted out and this tragedy seems to be visiting surrounding nations. It's anyone's guess, when this Greek tragedy play will arrive in BolehLand eh?
Meanwhile, hold on as long to your pee so that your body in its survival instinct can re-channel back your precious yellow liquid in your reservoir as life saving juices. When mother nature calls and you try and stop it, you'd feel someone is squeezing your crown jewels. Yup, that's what our leaders with their hands on the head tap are doing to tax paying citizens too hah!
Read More @ Source ISA detainees' kids Father's Day event
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