Tick....tock..tick...tock...The End is Near
In 2008, PKR got 1.509 million votes. That's more than the votes obtained by MCA, MIC, Gerakan combined. PKR has more Malaysian Indian MPs and ADUNs than MIC. Yet Palinivel has the audacity to say that more Indians now support UMNO/BN. was that a cry of despair and hopelessness? On what basis does he make his claim? On the number of Malai garlands hung around Najib's neck? Because Najib has gone deep into Indian heartland in Brickfields and Batu Caves, and beseeched Malaysian Indians to give him, their nambikei?
Najib's popular rating whether up or down is irrelevant. We shouldn't even bother about what happens to his ratings. We only want the inevitable to happen.
He has himself said that no one is bigger than the party. That would mean that his popularity is of no consequence to UMNO and that is why the party's rating has fallen even farther. That there is a big gap between his and UMNO's popularity means that he has not done enough to heal the party but has done more to cultivate his own image. UMNO must realize that they have a president who is more interested in himself.
UMNO people must now realize that they have a party president who couldn't care 2 hoots about whether you are knifing each other, bombing and torching each other. You are free to do all that as long as you don't kacau the president. His major domo for the general elections is Jamaludin Jarjis. With him as director of operations, we know what he will do. Snatch voters and pay dissidents to secure silence and submission.
Najib's track record? Not relevant.
Experience is not needed for the future. Vision and integrity are. Najib is an expert of what was- because he was implementing what others thought of. Najib is an expert in solving problems by paying his way through- BR1M, 15,000 for silencing settlers, RM400 for taxi drivers who would rather cash out their vouchers, pay here and pay there and everywhere. But he and even we are not experts of the future- for the future, vision must replace experience especially the bad ones.
The age where you purchase loyalty says Daim, is over. For the future, you require vision. People are asking where are you taking us? Not into a sandpit of increasing indebtedness. Not into a wasteland where corruption is rampant. Not into a state, where the law seems to work favorably only for the rich and powerful. Not into a state where the people are entertained and amused by a melting pot of acronyms which translate into nothing other than excuses for cronies to get bigger share in the country's wealth.
Certainly not into the zone- it's the prerogative of the ruling party to use whatever National Day slogan is. It is IF we are living in caves and you are holding that big stick.
Do Malaysians want leaders like Ahmad Maslan and the sycophant doing this year's National Day theme song? The National Day does not belong to UMNO but to the nation. And we certainly do not want a PM who says he will defend Putrajaya at all cost! It's not his. The position is secured on the terms of a TOL- Temporary Occupation license. It's not his permanent title.
What vision has he given the Malays? More and more initiatives that will make Malays dependents on UMNO's handouts? As to integrity, we shall not even go there.
UMNO can't contain its own demise. It is now diminished.
The others? The hard and inconvenient truth is, in the next GE, MCA, MIC and Gerakan will bite the dust.
UMNO alone got 2.381 million votes. As a single party it secured the biggest number of votes. However that's not an achievement that is comforting. Probably 10% of those votes were secured by deception and other underhanded tactics. I have also said many times, we have to discount the 380,000 votes as being votes from non-Malays. Effectively that would mean UMNO candidates who are all Malays go only 2 million Malay votes. In 2008, there were 5.7 million Malay voters which means, more Malays rejected UMNO candidates than supported them.
3.7 million Malay voters who supported either PAS, PKR and DAP in the last elections are not easily convinced that UMNO has changed for the better. They know Najib is all talk no substance. UMNO should be aware that only in 18 parliamentary seats did it secure increase in support. The opposition recorded increase in votes in 196 parliamentary seats. Once black, they don't come back.
In 2008, UMNO took 8 seats uncontested. This time that would be very unlikely. All seats will be contested this time.
Posted by sakmongkol AK47
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