The Superhumans of Malaysia: From SuperMah to Optimus Najib Prime- 1
We have 2 super humans in Malaysia. Each is said to be able to give guarantees. In the case of Mahathir he guaranteed the loan given to Tajudin Ramli to acquire 32% share of MAS in 1992. The guarantee was in the form of an overriding indemnity provision to Tajudin Ramli protecting him from losses should he mess up the acquisition.
Now, that is the type of captain needed by Mahathir to drive his NEP. Daulat Mahathir!
The current PM can also give guarantees. He can guarantee when FGVH lists, the returns to Felda settlers will be assured. That means, while Mahathir can walk on water, the current PM is given the attribute of someone who can control the free market. Adam smith, the man accepted by many as the Father of the science of Economics wrote about the invisible hand that regulates free enterprise. He got the name wrong. The invisible hand is Najib Razak. That superhuman attribute was given to Najib Razak by Chairman Isa.
Let's talk about the first, first.
He is a former PM of Malaysia who, like Jesus can walk on water. That's a description of his ability of doing the unthinkable, not of saintly qualities. He has come up with many conflicting advices on many occasions recently. He once suggested that UMNO is rotten the core. And of late he has been singing praises about UMNO. Is he an UMNO member? Has his membership been approved? If it has, it's bewildering the MSM did not carry the story. Didn't he leave UMNO during the PMship of Pak Lah and later applied to rejoin the party?
What many people fail to realize, is that Mahathir is a despotic ruler. He eschews democracy. He uses democracy to achieve the position of power. Once ensconced in power, Mahathir pursued only one aim- conferment of privileges unto himself. His remarks about the futility of questioning what happened to MAS in the 1990s, is symptomatic of the man, pursuing only one goal in his life- the entrenchment of privileges.
Privilege itself is anathema to democracy which is essentially about egalitarianism. Mahathir doesn't want anything egalitarian. He wants privileges in the form of selected captains of industry, in the form of protection of his children and friends doing business and so forth. The most damaging to us, is his insistence now, to perpetuate the rule of a corrupt and deceitful government lead by a corrupt UMNO and BN.
Look- MCA is said to be worth RM 4 billion. How on earth can a political party be worth RM 4 billion? It can only be that if it has tentacles in business. Political parties don't do business. If they do, and like MCA which is worth that, they must have achieved that by the abuse of power and trust.
My point then is, if MCA which is a just a sidekick to UMNO is worth RM 4 billion; UMNO must be worth 5 times that. Let's say RM 20 billion. How does it become that? Just like MCA it must have achieved that financial clout by having businesses which it acquired by using powers given to it by the rakyat. What do you call that? It's called abuse of power, simpliciter. Naked abuse of power.
In one luncheon with ex ministers, Mahathir declared the government is corrupt from top to bottom. When he spoke of that kind of corruption, he included the current PM. Now he says good things about the government which is corrupt from top to bottom.
At other times, he suggested that voters elect on the basis of candidates personal qualities. Reject the party he says. That is essentially correct when you have characterized the ruling party as full of corrupt people. Then he did a series of volte face- he declared people must vote for the party irrespective of the quality of people who make it up.
How can a party not be corrupt if the people making it up are corrupt? Just why should we support a government that is corrupt from top to bottom?
So if you asked me whether Najib can reform UMNO, the answer is no. How can he dismantle a system on which UMNO survives? That will be the end of UMNO civilization. UMNO's civilization lives on a system of tender-preneurship. Every level of UMNO leadership looks up at the party being able to give out tenders so that UMNO is worth at least 5 times the worth of MCA. If MCA is rotten, UMNO should also be 5 times as rotten.
Why is Dr Mahathir who is well into his 80s which theoretically speaking, places him in the twilight zone, still at it? It's as though he is the parallel PM running this country. The fact that he does what he does quite consistently, suggests, the current PM despite his social media for popularity savvy-ness, requires hand-holding to lead this nation. That suggests despite the external popularity of Najib, he lacks substance to run this country. And according to the Oracle of S Putera, Najib is lost on how to run the country. He is long in form, but very short in substance.
Posted by sakmongkol AK47
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