Local scientists discover new rare earth minerals
Kuala Lumpur, 28 Feb. Scientists from the Universiti Mineral Malaysia today announced the discovery of 5 rare earth minerals, previously unknown to science. Speaking to journalists at a specially convened media conference at the Federal capital this morning, the Supreme Chancellor of UMM, Datuk Professor Dr Kuthubudeen Linas Maidin explained the research work carried out by the university researchers that led to the discovery and the implications of such discovery to the world rare earth supply. Prior to this discovery, the 17 rare earth minerals known to science are yttrium, scandium, lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, promethium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, and lutetium.
It is understood that the Malaysian government, particularly the officials at the Ministry of Advanced Research and Science (MARS), are delighted at these discoveries that will put Malaysia in the forefront of rare earth research. A highly placed source in the ministry who declined to be named said "all our investment in the CIRET and BIRET technology have finally borne fruit. We can now develop our own advanced material industry and not depend on the freakin' Aussies".
Monyet News Network has also learnt that the Ministry is now exploring avenues to establish a very large Malaysian Advanced Materials Institute (MAMI) at Bayan Lepas in Penang. A pilot project, codenamed anak mami, is already operational at the site.
The Ministry is also in the midst of setting up a new research centre to promote RE research. Rumor has it that the centre will be named after a very rare rare earth element, the sanatorium.
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Pembangunan gedung Menara 165 merupakan suatu perwujudan dan cita-cita para alumni Training Leadership ESQ Khususnya yang akan memiliki suatu kebanggan bahwa akan lahir suatu Era Kebangkitan Bangsa. Menara 165 nantinya akan merupakan suatu Landmark di Jakarta Selatan karena mengandung unsur-unsur spiritual, dengan sebuah tower utama yang mempunyai 25 lantai berfungsi sebagai perkantoran serta sebuah fasilitas gedung pertemuan (Convention Center) yang akan berfungsi sebagian besar untuk penyelenggaraan training Leadership ESQ. Visi 1. Bangsa Indonesia untuk maju membangun moral bangsa menuju Indonesia Emas pada tahun 2020. 2. Seluruh Insan dalam rangka menciptakan kedamaian, kebersamaan dan kesejahteraan, sehingga tercipta perwujudan Dunia Emas pada tahun 2050. Misi 1. Membangun Landmark dengan berlandaskan cita-cita Alumni ESQ yang mempunyai kebanggaan bahwa akan lahir suatu Era Kebangkitan Bangsa. 2. Meningkatkan ahlak dan Moral bangsa agar tercipta individu yang bersih dan suci. 3. Terus membangun dan menciptakan kreatifitas secara mandiri. Meningkatkan nilai perusahaan untuk keuntungan para pemegang saham. www.menara165.com Video Rating: 0 / 5
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Local scientists discover new rare earth minerals
Latthalilat Thamplom, Monyet News Network, 28 February 2012Kuala Lumpur, 28 Feb. Scientists from the Universiti Mineral Malaysia today announced the discovery of 5 rare earth minerals, previously unknown to science. Speaking to journalists at a specially convened media conference at the Federal capital this morning, the Supreme Chancellor of UMM, Datuk Professor Dr Kuthubudeen Linas Maidin explained the research work carried out by the university researchers that led to the discovery and the implications of such discovery to the world rare earth supply. Prior to this discovery, the 17 rare earth minerals known to science are yttrium, scandium, lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, promethium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, and lutetium.
According to the UMM website, the researchers and their discoveries are:
Dr Shahrizat Kassim. Discovered condominium. The mother of all lanthanides, a 4fd15d configured element with an atomic number of 84. Potential uses in the cattle breeding industry.
Dr George Ramasamy. Discovered papadum. A 4fd28e configured element with an atomic number of 83. Potential uses in the food industry. High likelihood of being edible.
Dr Ibrahim Ali. Discovered moronium. A 4fd28eXX (2 electrons missing) configured element with an atomic number of 82. Highly flammable. No potential use determined so far.
It is understood that the Malaysian government, particularly the officials at the Ministry of Advanced Research and Science (MARS), are delighted at these discoveries that will put Malaysia in the forefront of rare earth research. A highly placed source in the ministry who declined to be named said "all our investment in the CIRET and BIRET technology have finally borne fruit. We can now develop our own advanced material industry and not depend on the freakin' Aussies".
Monyet News Network has also learnt that the Ministry is now exploring avenues to establish a very large Malaysian Advanced Materials Institute (MAMI) at Bayan Lepas in Penang. A pilot project, codenamed anak mami, is already operational at the site.
The Ministry is also in the midst of setting up a new research centre to promote RE research. Rumor has it that the centre will be named after a very rare rare earth element, the sanatorium.
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