Not A 'Cock and Bull' Reward
The hunt for the consenting adults, the guy that is in the sex video produced by our dynamic trio porn producer and directors, is getting down to hard cash to expose the real ole culprit who got all hard enough to do some serious pounding on a supposedly paid lass.
Someone, a very rich ex UMNO, ex PKR and now our or Kita man is offering a real thing for a Look Like, But Not Actually Like Fake!
Seems an expensive C@#k? or C@$k? is being offered at least from the number plate of the reward that is promised if anyone can produce a look alike of the actor in the sex tape! And it is not some 'cock and bull' story or a load of hot air, thought you need expensive RON97 to run this reward, if one is to believe this story reported here and the photo evidence below on this expensive C@#k on offer.
Now we know how generous rich bumi lama acquired wealth baru can be!
This car would certainly not been owned by the Chinese as the number plate is rather 'cockish'. 67 in Cantonese is rather vulgar to even translate and if you add it together it adds to 13 which is an unlucky number to many and if you add 1+3, how dead a number can it get huh?
As they say of men who ride big expensive behemoth bikes like a Harley is to compensate for their lack of endowment and firepower nature or rather the parents may have given. There seem some inverse relationship where the louder and bigger the machine, the smaller the ego or the natural firepower the rider posses.
Perhaps the owner picked this number because it is luck at least to his race, culture and religious belief. Or perhaps it could be coi! ncidenta l it is an extension rather than an inverse relation to the kind of personality and ego the owner has, possible huh?
Why the need to make a 'cock' out of everyone on this offer? Is it that the police's investigation cannot be trusted to know the real identity of the actor?
It is really a sin to waste so much money to bring your opponents down. If the law seems ineffective, then the people will decide at the ballot box, no?
So if the identity is revealed and there is no doubt it is who about half of BolehLand folks think he is while the other half are probably in denial, will it snuff out the voice of the people who want an alternative party.
Whether this defacto opposition leader who really is the greatest defect in the opposition cause stays or leave by force, i.e. put behind bars, the people will be the final arbitrator and judge.
But on the subject of this opposition leader, many believed he is the only binding force as well as real challenge to the other party. But the man himself has made himself bigger than the cause or party and is rather a selfish person because he does not believe he is a liability even if he accuses everyone of conspiring against him. Pakatan is spending so much energy and taking the brunt and ridicule in defending its leader. If he chose to withdraw in the background and let others not tainted or perhaps Pakatan will be even stronger, no?
But then, even if another better or supposedly clean person leads, there is no guarantee that the muck, dirt and conspiracy theories will not be directed against any leader that replaces the present one, yes?
So in this 'be dammed if I do and if I don't', more cock and bull conspiracies will appear and if each is true, gosh we really have an unsuitable and evil potential leader right? But then in the perception game, falsehood can become truth and truth turn into falsehood!
So will a million ringgit over ofC@#k reward put an end to this circus?
Given the so many so real Elvis, Mic! hael Jac ksons and Bruce Lees and even Harry Porters walking the earth these days, our reward may be snapped up by more than one huh?
Hmm remember Russell the Asian Boy Scout in Disney's UP Movie
It would be interesting how these three porn director will agree that the look alike is the real one when at the back of their mind they are cock sure it is the man himself and not some look alike or substitute.
Hmm, wonder if the girl is a real prostitute as we are made to believe which incidentally the authorities or the porn directors are also not gunning for her to be charged for offering illicit sex. Wonder if she comes forward to confess it is the man, she will get to ride on this expensive C@#k?
So if the real person is finally identified even if there are look alikes through a legal process what will this real person get from the one offering the reward?
Gosh a Royce for a fake, and for the real one, will the house and garage be given to him too, huh?
Someone, a very rich ex UMNO, ex PKR and now our or Kita man is offering a real thing for a Look Like, But Not Actually Like Fake!
Seems an expensive C@#k? or C@$k? is being offered at least from the number plate of the reward that is promised if anyone can produce a look alike of the actor in the sex tape! And it is not some 'cock and bull' story or a load of hot air, thought you need expensive RON97 to run this reward, if one is to believe this story reported here and the photo evidence below on this expensive C@#k on offer.
An expensive C@$k for hard evidence
Now we know how generous rich bumi lama acquired wealth baru can be!
This car would certainly not been owned by the Chinese as the number plate is rather 'cockish'. 67 in Cantonese is rather vulgar to even translate and if you add it together it adds to 13 which is an unlucky number to many and if you add 1+3, how dead a number can it get huh?
As they say of men who ride big expensive behemoth bikes like a Harley is to compensate for their lack of endowment and firepower nature or rather the parents may have given. There seem some inverse relationship where the louder and bigger the machine, the smaller the ego or the natural firepower the rider posses.
Perhaps the owner picked this number because it is luck at least to his race, culture and religious belief. Or perhaps it could be coi! ncidenta l it is an extension rather than an inverse relation to the kind of personality and ego the owner has, possible huh?
Why the need to make a 'cock' out of everyone on this offer? Is it that the police's investigation cannot be trusted to know the real identity of the actor?
It is really a sin to waste so much money to bring your opponents down. If the law seems ineffective, then the people will decide at the ballot box, no?
So if the identity is revealed and there is no doubt it is who about half of BolehLand folks think he is while the other half are probably in denial, will it snuff out the voice of the people who want an alternative party.
Whether this defacto opposition leader who really is the greatest defect in the opposition cause stays or leave by force, i.e. put behind bars, the people will be the final arbitrator and judge.
But on the subject of this opposition leader, many believed he is the only binding force as well as real challenge to the other party. But the man himself has made himself bigger than the cause or party and is rather a selfish person because he does not believe he is a liability even if he accuses everyone of conspiring against him. Pakatan is spending so much energy and taking the brunt and ridicule in defending its leader. If he chose to withdraw in the background and let others not tainted or perhaps Pakatan will be even stronger, no?
But then, even if another better or supposedly clean person leads, there is no guarantee that the muck, dirt and conspiracy theories will not be directed against any leader that replaces the present one, yes?
So in this 'be dammed if I do and if I don't', more cock and bull conspiracies will appear and if each is true, gosh we really have an unsuitable and evil potential leader right? But then in the perception game, falsehood can become truth and truth turn into falsehood!
So will a million ringgit over ofC@#k reward put an end to this circus?
Given the so many so real Elvis, Mic! hael Jac ksons and Bruce Lees and even Harry Porters walking the earth these days, our reward may be snapped up by more than one huh?
Hmm remember Russell the Asian Boy Scout in Disney's UP Movie
It would be interesting how these three porn director will agree that the look alike is the real one when at the back of their mind they are cock sure it is the man himself and not some look alike or substitute.
Hmm, wonder if the girl is a real prostitute as we are made to believe which incidentally the authorities or the porn directors are also not gunning for her to be charged for offering illicit sex. Wonder if she comes forward to confess it is the man, she will get to ride on this expensive C@#k?
So if the real person is finally identified even if there are look alikes through a legal process what will this real person get from the one offering the reward?
Gosh a Royce for a fake, and for the real one, will the house and garage be given to him too, huh?