Show us your proof, Perkasa urges Bala

Malay rights group Perkasa has challenged former private investigator P Balasubramaniam, who has just returned to the country to campaign for Pakatan Rakyat, to furnish evidence to back his allegations that Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak is involved in the murder of Mongolian woman Altantuya Shaariibuu.

Utusan Malaysia today reported that the NGO's president Ibrahim Ali said that should Bala fail to do so, it shows that there is a conspiracy by a group of pro-opposition lawyers to defame Najib and the government.

NONEIbrahim (right) claimed that Bala and the opposition want to create a negative perception against the government through "rhetorical ceramah".

"If you want to have ceramah everywhere without giving evidence, anyone can do that.

"As long as Bala can't substantiate his accusation, the people should not trust the ridiculous allegation against Najib," the Pasir Mas MP was quoted as sayin! g.

Upon arrival from exile at the KL International Airport on Sunday, Bala publicly swore that his first statutory declaration in July 2008 linking Najib to Altantuya's death is the truth.

Last night Bala made his debut speech at a forum in Kuala Lumpur, giving a blow-by-blow account of the circumstances surrounding Altantuya's death.

Before the forum, pro-establishment NGO Jaringan Melayu Malaysia deputy president Omar Salleh has lodged a report against the forum at the Dang Wangi district police headquarters. 

He urged the police to take stern action against the forum organiser, Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia, led by PKR leader Badrul Hisham Shaharin.

Describing the forum as "seditious", Omar said the forum is merely to tarnish Najib's image.

He claimed that the appearance of Bala at the forum is "a threat to national harmony" prior to the coming general election. Read More @ Source

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