
Showing posts from August, 2012

Khalid: Not protocol for Sultan to grace state Merdeka do

Khalid noted that the same practice has been kept in previous years. — File pic SHAH ALAM, Aug 31 — Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said today that it was not a norm for the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah to be invited for state level Independence Day celebrations. "Such an invitation is not in the programme. This is how we do it every year, that's all," he commented on a local daily's report that stated the Sultan had been left out of the 55th Independence Day celebrations at Dataran Kemerdekaan here last night. He was speaking to reporters after Friday prayers in conjunction with Independence Day here today. Meanwhile, the Sultan of Selangor's confidential secretary, Datuk Mohamad Munir Bani said it was the custom of the previous state government to invite the Sultan for such celebrations. "The invitation was a formality and it was up the Sultan to accept or otherwise," he said. Me

Rais: N-Day rally attendees are ‘warriors’ of peace

Rais' ministry had expected over 200,000 to attend the rally at Bukit Jalil. — File pic KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 31 — Information Communication and Culture Minister, Datuk Seri Rais Yatim described the people's support in facing all challenges as proof that they were "warriors" who loved independence and peace. "One mind, one direction, one spirit, one goal. That's why each seat in this stadium is filled by a 'warrior'," he said during his speech at the 55th Merdeka Gathering: Promises Fulfilled in conjunction with the Independence Day celebrations at the Bukit Jalil National Stadium here tonight. Rais attributed the success of each government programme, including this year's dynamic Independence Day celebrations throughout the month, to these "warriors". "This morning's parade successfully portrayed the National Key Results Area and tonight we display the young generation's independence spirit by sup

The Devil You don’t know

August 31, 2012 The Devil You don't know by Neil COMMENT : In this second part of my article in response to the growing criticism of Dr Mahathir Mohamad's "devil you know" remarks, Pakatan Rakyat can counter the BN's war of ideas by describing to Malaysians what sort of government we will get post-BN. Here are five major issues that we hope Pakatan will address as part of their key policies. First, making society more equitable, yet more educated and competitive globally. The BN, the Pakatan said, has failed. There are pockets of wealth, education is on the decline in standards and Malaysia is generally not competitive if subsidies are removed. How will Pakatan better the BN in making society more equitable? Higher spending on education has not worked so long as education is not managed rationally and with a merit-based system in place. More importantly, who in the Pakatan will lead this initiative? Second , race and

Mat Rempit to Help Fight Crime? This is a Signal that Hishammuddin Hussein's Time as Home Minister is Up!

The Home Ministry wants to  engage  the  mat rempit  to help fight crime in the country. Describing the idea as out-of-the-box thinking, Home  Minister Hishammuddin Hussein  said the ministry had asked selected non-governmental organisations and groups to enlist the bikers' co-operation in the fight against crime. Calling this an 'out-of-the-box thinking' goes to show that our minister is really suffering from a serious mental block or he is totally not qualified to hold the position. Any credible home minister would have instructed his top home security officials to come out with a comprehensive plan and strategy to curb and combat crime.  Second, he should address the issue of a lack of police personnel doing patrolling and just desk jobs. He should be mindful not to abuse security forces to meet political ends or using them to stop freedom of assembly and expression.  The full brunt of security forces should be used to protect and guarantee public

A new dawn? — May Chee

Woke up around 7am today, after about five hours of sleep. By the way, "Selamat Hari Merdeka" folks!  My husband and I went for the Janji Demokrasi Merdeka Countdown at the clock tower in Malacca last night. Again, it was another heartwarming experience. Syabas to all those who gathered there and elsewhere for the Janji Demokrasi! This time around, no untoward incidents, I hear. That's good, really good. See, if we have everyone's good intentions in mind, all would be swell. We left our house at 9pm. There was ample parking around the designated area. As we walked towards the clock tower, we could see cops and Rela personnel already in position. Since we were early, we walked towards Jonker, hoping to join some people at the stage. Along the way, we met some friends, so we headed for the stage together. Some yellow shirts were walking in the opposite direction. They were heading towards the clock tower. All youths. Good, I thought! At the sta

Learning to accept changing demands

Unless we get the basics right, we maybe steadily heading in a collision course. COMMENT By R Kengadharan Malaysia celebrates 55 years of independence from British imperialism today. The sudden growth of anti-colonialism and nationalism sentiment regionally accelerated the pronouncement of independence. After independence the campaign against the communist started which ideology spread posed a direct threat to the Federation and there was a real need to resist the thrust of the communists and if left unattended capable of causing a disastrous scenario. While Malaysians in general take stability, growth and prosperity for granted, these conditions did not come naturally but required ceaseless effort and we must never forget the perils of communist insurrection, communal riots and intimidation. Our bitter past and achievements serve as a clear reminder for the younger generation to be more vigilant. As an independent nation since 1957, with all that diversit

Civil service: ‘Dayaks are not stupid, Zaki’

Dayak leaders have taken offence to Special Review Commission on Civil Service Transformation chairman Zaki Azmi's 'insulting' statement about Dayaks KUCHING: Dayak leaders including those from the Barisan Nasional and the opposition are up in arms against a proposal to lower the requirements for ethnic minority groups to enter the civil service. Some even described the recommendation as an insult and mockery to the Dayak community. The focus of their indignation was directed at Zaki Azmi, the chairman of the Special Review Commission on Civil Service Transformation. On Tuesday, Zaki said that the commission would recommend to the government to lower the qualification requirements for the Dayaks and other non-Malay natives not only to enable them to be recruited to the civil service, but also to address the imbalance of racial composition within the civil service. The first to fire the salvo was the president of Parti Rakyat Sarawak and Land Develo

A Truly Inclusive Narrative Needed for Malaysia

August 31, 2012 A Truly Inclusive Narrative Needed for Malaysia by Zairil Khir Johari (via e-mail) Sometimes it takes fresh eyes to notice the obvious, even when it has always been staring us right in the face. My moment of epiphany came during a Tariq Ramadan lecture in Penang last month. The Oxford don was in the midst of expounding on his pet topic — socio-cultural identity conflict — when he began to veer into the sensitive Malaysian racial debate. Now, Tariq Ramadan is no stranger to identity issues. He is, as he describes himself, both a European and a Muslim, two labels which he does not wear loosely. If anything, he is an unabashed Westerner and an unapologetic Islamist — an oxymoronic concept if one subscribes to Samuel Huntington's dichotomous paradigm. However, Ramadan has proven that both identities are not only reconcilable, but inherently compatible. Battling this polemic has been his lifelong raison d'ĕtre, hence it is no surprise that he could immedi


Youths were detained by police on the distribution of a pamphlet (as above) during the Himpun Janji Demokrasi at Dataran Merdeka last night. It shows that Pakatan Rakyat will introduce this new flag once they take Putrajaya. Pakatan Rakyat had denied any knowledge or plans to introduce such a flag. When investigated, the youths reveal that they were purportedly paid RM100 each by UMNO to distribute this pamphlets. source of news : bilahrotan blog Read More @ Source More » Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus | 大马社会政治

Twitterjaya: Statutory rape is no child's play

Netizens react with disgust and disbelief after the sessions court in Penang spared a 22-year-old man from jail on finding him guilty of statutory rape of a 12-year-old girl. The judgment has since come under great criticism from all sides, especially social media, with many still scrambling to digest the idea that a 12-year-old could consent to sexual intercourse, and on top of that, that the argument holds up in court. This comes just weeks after the controversial case involving the national bowler with a "bright future", Nor Afizal Azizan, who escaped jail despite being convicted of statutory rape of a 13-year-old girl. Here's a collection of posts on social media reacting to the judgment: TuanHock Liew:  Funny how back in 1999, consensual anal sex warranted a prison sentence of nine years! The victim was not underaged, nor retarded, not drugged, or threatened with weapon. Didie Gonzales:  No to sodomy, but yes to rape. Bravo Malaysia. Soo Ching Pin:  The country

A Truly Inclusive Narrative Needed for Malaysia

August 31, 2012 A Truly Inclusive Narrative Needed for Malaysia by Zairil Khir Johari (via e-mail) Sometimes it takes fresh eyes to notice the obvious, even when it has always been staring us right in the face. My moment of epiphany came during a Tariq Ramadan lecture in Penang last month. The Oxford don was in the midst of expounding on his pet topic — socio-cultural identity conflict — when he began to veer into the sensitive Malaysian racial debate. Now, Tariq Ramadan is no stranger to identity issues. He is, as he describes himself, both a European and a Muslim, two labels which he does not wear loosely. If anything, he is an unabashed Westerner and an unapologetic Islamist — an oxymoronic concept if one subscribes to Samuel Huntington's dichotomous paradigm. However, Ramadan has proven that both identities are not only reconcilable, but inherently compatible. Battling this polemic has been his lifelong raison d'ĕtre, hence it is no surprise that he could immedi

With strong economic numbers, BN parties bullish about polls

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 31 — Strong economic numbers and growing electoral support thus far this year is boosting the confidence of Barisan Nasional (BN) parties, whose strategists feel the momentum is building behind the ruling federal coalition and conditions are ripe for snap polls soon. Several strategists told  The Malaysian Insider  that the feel-good factor is palpable as the country celebrates its 55th anniversary as an independent nation today.  BN parties are said to be quietly confident they will do well in the coming general election. — File pic Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and his Cabinet joined the Yang di-Pertuan Agong in the annual parade in Dataran Merdeka this morning as thousands of flag-waving Malaysians crowded around to watch the festivities. "There is momentum building up and conditions are ripe for an election after the Budget next month," a strategist told  The Malaysian Insider . He said BN parties are working at