Injured BERSIH supporter list, up to 8.30pm tonight. [EL]
1.Mohd izul Hanif fainted kena tear gas
2.miss Law, student right foot cut by bulbwyre, more than 10 stiches
3.Haji Mohd Zulkifri foot shot by teargas bullet
4.Tarmizi Anuwar hit by rock believed to be trown by police
5.Norafizal hit by police car
6.Haznyiani Mahazan head hit by tear gas
7.Hii tiong huat, beaten by police at chest and eye

Another 10 to 20 injured person were sent to KL general hospital.

They need your support interms of legal advice and moral support. For them and for us, 428 doesnt ended yet!!! [EL]

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