
Showing posts from February, 2012

MAS lost RM2.5 billion. Sell it off and privatize it!

Malaysia Airlines (MAS) recorded a stunning net loss of RM2.52 billion for 2011 and the company is now in "crisis", the national flag carrier said today. The carrier also confirmed that the losses for the 2011 financial year were the largest in its history. The airline reported a massive net loss of RM1.28 billion in the fourth quarter, which was about as much as the first three quarters combined. "The company is in crisis," CEO Ahmad Jauhari Yahya openly admitted in his statement today. For so many years, MAS has indeed suffered losses continuously and last year, its performance was the worst in history. It clearly shows that the nation's carrier has been badly managed, overstaffed and its management as well as workforce has no productivity at all. Why? It is because the entire organization itself is full of politics, cronyism and opportunists. In fact the entire board of directors of MAS should resigned en bloc to pave way for an extraordinary genera


WOW! Such an AMAZING TURNOUT during former Selangor Religious Exco "HASSAN ALI's" talks given in Kampung Melayu, in Subang last night! :-) And majority "UMNO IDIOT'S" after HASSAN ALI was FIRED from PAS as well as Religious Exco for the State of Selangor often say that "HASSAN ALI's" is fighting for justice... ( when his TOURS have been SPONSORED by "Barisan Nasional" ). Now he's ended up like just another EZAM NOR & DZULKIFLI NORDIN... Waaaah! HEBAT "SUNGGUH" sambutan bagi CERAMAH "HASSAN ALI" di Kampung Melayu Sub ang semalam! :-) Apa kata si LEMBU "Barisan Nasional" sekor "Syairi Isrofil/Dairi Syairi"...: "DHA perjuangan SUCI???! " heheheh - curi-curi wang malaysia Read More @ Source More » Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus | 大马社会政治

'I was assaulted by Umno, Perkasa members'

A victim of the disruption at Sunday's anti-Lynas rally in Penang, Abbey Ong, says she and her boyfriend were attacked by a hostile group before Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng arrived at the scene. The rally was held at the Speakers Square in Esplanade and attended by more than 500 people, in solidarity with the Himpunan Hijau 2.0 gathering in Kuantan opposing the Australian-owned Lynas Advanced Materials Plant in Gebeng, Kuantan. Ong, 28, said she was helping to carry some boxes at the rally vanue when a few men "roughly shoved" her from the back and pushed her. "My boyfriend, who was nearby tried, to protect me but was hit by the men and injured his fingernail and head," she told a press conference held by Lim in his office today. Ong said the incident occured before Lim arrived to give his speech at the rally, contrary to Umno's assertion that chaos erupted after the CM provoked the group. Ong, a personal assistant to state executive councillor

Perkasa threatens boycott, Star suspends two

The youth section of right-wing Malay NGO Perkasa will organise a boycott of MCA-owned English-daily  The Star  if the Home Ministry does not take stern action against the newspaper for allegedly insulting Islam. "If there is no stern action from the ministry, we shall stage a nationwide roadshow to boycott  The Star ," Wira Perkasa chief Irwan Fahmy Ideris told reporters in Putrajaya today. He said this after handing over a memorandum to a senior representative from the ministry's administration division, in which Wira Perkasa calls for strict action against  The Star  or a suspension of its printing licence. "The Home Ministry should suspend  The Star 's printing permit or take stern action to ensure that this does not happen again," Irwan said. In another development, two editors from the English daily were suspended today in connection with the use of an offending picture, according to sources. No other detail was immediately available. The daily apolog


WOODEN.....Edward inspecting the small wooden bridge. THE timber bridge in the remote Kg Togung next to the Kokol road in Menggatal is facing a potential collapse, and it is too small for bigger and heavy vehicles . The people who live in this very remote village have requested for the help of the Sabah DAP vice chairman Edward Ewol Mujie in the DAP Inanam service centre yesterday for fear that one day a car will fall into the stream here. The timber of the bridge is getting rotten fast. If the bridge is not replaced, they fear that they will be unable to reach to the other side of the village. There are at least 48 families live here. Edward immediately went on site to inspect this small wooden bridge, and he took quite sometime to search for this remote village even with the map that was handed to him by the villagers. The condition of the village road is very poor and looks like never being maintained at all. After speaking to the villagers here he said that t

Whores, Sons and Soil

Friends have been wondering the rather quiet blips on the blog, thinking that some special branch or security apparatus at the command of the ruling party has whisked me away to be subjected to 'special treatment' by HMS or His Majesty Service. It was more work that had kept me imprisoned in my own self absorbing world to finish the ever unending work just to ensure there is money coming at the end of the month. Sometimes, it does pay to earn below RM3,000 a month as you get free money, dirt cheap homes, courtesy of EPF to stay in neighbourhood that have a commanding view of the Petronas Twin Towers or literally s stone's throw away from the central shopping or financial district. Like in Kuala Lumpur, so much money is going to be pumped to provide facilities and one wonders if it is the desperation of the city folks to avoid jams, crowded living and not be reminded we are getting to be an expensive city to live in, that the urban folks are not questioning if the projects

Uncensored Erykah photo sent by promoter?

Concert promoter used censored "tattoo" photo since Jan 4 Uncensored photo was sent to Star in concert publicity kit   For eight weeks, a censored version of the Erykah Badu "tattoo" photograph had been used by the concert promoter, Pineapple, on the concert Facebook event page as well as in the press release they issued on Jan 4 and available for download. The calligraphy of the word "Allah" had been removed (above, left) — clearly, the promoters knew, at least eight weeks ago, that it might cause problems. And yet the uncensored photo was apparently supplied to the Star last week. I'm told that the photo was contained in the pre-concert publicity press kit sent to the press. It is the same image displayed on the Erykah Badu web site. (The web site has been blanked out since late on Tuesday night, after the Malaysian government announced the banning of the concert.) Is the government's morality gestapo blind, lazy or stupid? Concerts


AS A VETERAN activist of Sabah issues, I would like to advise my old friend Joseph Pairin Kitingan, the President of Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) who is also the Huguan Siou of the Kadazandusuns, to consider paying 'Sogit' to his younger bother Dr Jeffrey, if indeed he has uttered the word 'Mendiang' (the late) on his brother. If Pairin really and actually did utter the word 'mendiang' on Jeffrey in Beluran as claimed by some, I advise Pairin to promptly do the honourable thing to pay 'sogit' in the form of one buffalo, a pig and a chicken as is the way of our custom when one utter such word on a living person. As Chief Custodian of the Kadazandusuns Customs and Laws, Pairin knows best what to do in cases like this. So please be honourable so that everything is balanced again. (NOTE : Lojingki, 71, was active together with the late Peter Mojuntin in now-defunct UNKO in the 1960s. Lojingki who claimed once a close friend of Pairin and many PBS

Najib urged to stop Political Violence

February 29, 2012 Najib urged to stop political violence BERSIH 2.0 urges Prime Minister Najib Razak to immediately stop the serial political violence inflicted on opposition politicians and civil society activists by thugs reportedly related to UMNO and PERKASA, while the Police often just looked on and no one has been charged so far. Bersih 2.0 warns that such impunity on political violence, if it continues, leaves no room for clean elections in Malaysia. If political activisms are met with physical assaults even before elections, could the safety of opposition leaders and campaigners be guaranteed come the next election? BERSIH 2.0 wants Najib to order an immediate investigation and prosecution of those responsible for the two latest incidents of political assault on February 26. At Speakers' Corner, Georgetown, Pulau Pinang, a group of thugs identified as UMNO Youth and PERKASA members attacked the anti-Lynas protesters and eventually injured


TERMINAL.....Half finished Labuan bus terminal idling with no work. THE NEW Labuan bus terminal under construction has yet faced another stop work since the last time and the work site is at a total stand still for three months now. It is not sure when the work can be resumed. The Labuan DAP Chief Lau Seng Kiat went to inspect the job site and found there are not work activities and some workers are sitting there playing with children. He asked what happened to the work and why the contractor is not finishing the work. He was told that the workers are not being paid for three months now and they are not going to work without pay. The workers are given only some pocket money to buy food. Judging on what we can be seen on site that the work progress there is already jammed and stuck. This is the second times that the construction of the bus terminal has stopped work, and it is obvious that there is something very wrong in this project. Lau said that the completion

US man drinks gasoline from jar, lights up, dies

SHARE AND DISCUSS HAVELOCK, North Carolina - Police say a man is dead after he accidentally drank from a jar of gasoline and then smoked a cigarette. Havelock police received an emergency call about 9:55 p.m. local time Monday after 43-year-old Gary Allen Banning set himself on fire. Banning was transported to UNC Burn Center in Chapel Hill, where he died early Tuesday morning. City spokeswoman Diane Miller said investigators believe Banning was at a friend's apartment when he apparently mistook a jar of gasoline sitting by the kitchen sink for a beverage. After taking a gulp, he spit the gas out and got some on his clothes. Sometime later, investigators say Banning went outside to smoke a cigarette and burst into flames. Havelock police and the city fire marshal are continuing their investigation. Read More @ Source More » Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus | 大马社会政治


TERMINAL.....Half finished Labuan bus terminal idling with no work. THE NEW Labuan bus terminal under construction has yet faced another stop work since the last time and the work site is at a total stand still for three months now. It is not sure when the work can be resumed. The Labuan DAP Chief Lau Seng Kiat went to inspect the job site and found there are not work activities and some workers are sitting there playing with children. He asked what happened to the work and why the contractor is not finishing the work. He was told that the workers are not being paid for three months now and they are not going to work without pay. The workers are given only some pocket money to buy food. Judging on what we can be seen on site that the work progress there is already jammed and stuck. This is the second times that the construction of the bus terminal has stopped work, and it is obvious that there is something very wrong in this project. Lau said that the completion of the new bus termin

Catch a falling Star

Alamak , one day friends, next day enemies. I'm of course talking about Perkasa and MCA, wakakaka. After the joint effort in the 'white pow' debacle, Perkasa must have felt it was sabotaged by the MCA bloke who went along with Ibrahim Ali, playing a Perkasa Santa Claus at a Chinese New Year party. So I suppose Perkasa has been waiting for a chance to bite back. Not that the running dog sabotaged the Perkasa event deliberately but he wasn't even consulted. C'mon, who consults a running dog? So when The Star published a photo of American singer Erykah Badu with her tattoo of the word Allah, Perkasa yelled: Tiew* Suspend The Star's permit , wakakaka. * no no, it wasn't calling Colin Tiew of MCA wakakaka Apart from The Star's swift apology for the religious faux pas , I am personally quite convinced the MCA-owned news media had made an honest mistake. The Star as a newspaper has been quite cautious on and sensitive to Islamic issues. For example, in Mar