We both support Evil but .....
The Malaysian Insider - Anifah: Malaysia does not support 'all efforts to protect Israel'.
KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 29 — Datuk Seri Anifah Aman insisted tonight that despite supporting a "two-state solution," Malaysia has never supported Israel in its conflict with Palestine.
The foreign minister said this differed from Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, who said in an interview with the Wall Street Journal that he "supports all efforts to protect the security of the state of Israel."
"His statement clearly shows his acceptance and support for actions taken by Israel against Palestinians up to now.
"Actions interpreted as security measures by Israel include military attacks on Gaza causing the death of thousands of innocent Palestinians including women and children," the Kimanis MP said in a statement sent to The Malaysian Insider.
Actually, both the Najib government and Anwar Ibrahim have taken the correct political-economic action, but one which real intention has not been announced, namely, to please the USA by showing Malaysia (or an individual) is showing due reverence to the USA's master, Israel.
In reality, in the best case scenario, both Najib and Anwar don't give two figs about Israel's security, and I don't blame them. But Israel in her evil draconian behaviour has become a useful issue in mainly Muslim Malaysia for Najib and Anwar to label each other as being disloyal to the ummah wahida, and thus less Muslim and therefore not worthy of being voted by the Heartland into office as PM.
Anifah is merely playing semantics in claiming BN's policy towards Isra! el is le ss dark (or obsequious) than Anwar Ibrahim's, though I have to admit he (Anifah) has done it rather well.
My personal take is that, as mentioned above, Anwar Ibrahim is beholden to his supporters in the USA and people like his mate Paul Wolfowitz. He has to play a hypocritical or 'political' game (the latter if we want to be kinder to him).
Najib's UMNO on the other hand have been outright hypocritical, because their condemnation of Israel, if at all any in recent times, is hollow in the shade of their own behaviour towards the non-UMNO people, especially the non-Malays.
As I had written in a post a year ago, titled Why 1Malaysia = 1Israel as follows [extracts only – see post for more]:
Israel has always been a hated entity for Muslim Malaysians, because Muslim Malaysians feel an obligatory if not sympathetic requirement to do so, to stand in solidarity with their Muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine. In recent years I have come to share this dislike of Israel though my reasons are more specific than being obligatory or just sympathetic. I have been utterly appalled by Israel's blatant, unmitigated and feral racism.
Yesterday I posted … Neo-Nazis' 1935 'Nuremberg Laws' in Israel to highlight the Israelis' neo-Nazism. Isn't it just ironical that the so-called children of the Holocaust behave towards the Palestinians in exactly the same manner as the Nazi oppressors had towards their European forefathers! ...
But don't be surprised by the Israeli* savage and racist barbarism being similar to those demonstrated by the Nazis or white Afrikaans. One only has to open the Old Testament to read about the proclivity of their Israeli-Hebraic forefathers to murder, massacre and commit genocide against non-Hebrew tribes, to seize the latter's land and property and take their wives and daughters as slaves. The Hebrews-Israelites-Judeans-Israelis all shared/share the national characteristic of evil barbarism.
* note that not all Israelis or Jews are racist
Naturally the Judean (Israelis) authors creatively put all those acts of atrocity as approved by God, in the same way as our Biro Tatanegara indoctrinators have creatively written to justify ketuanan Melayu, and that the other races as lesser beings, undesirable and unclean for Malaysia – thus we get the mata sepets and kaki botols, and 'sons of Chinese prostitutes' and 'Indians leashed by their wrist like animals'.
Ironically, for a government which tells the Muslim Malays that Israel is to be condemned for its persecutions and oppressions of Palestinians, it behaves in an almost similar manner to the Israelis – I've underlined the word 'almost' because to be fair, Malaysia is not yet as bad as the evil Israeli rightwing government. But we worry for the future.
Nonetheless it's racist and plays on racist issues, to divide the people and conquer their support.
Maybe that's why Anwar's accusations of Najib's 1Malaysia have struck at the very core of Najib's (and UMNO's) heart, because it raises embarrassing questions about the parallel parochial policies of both 1Malaysia and 1Israel.
KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 29 — Datuk Seri Anifah Aman insisted tonight that despite supporting a "two-state solution," Malaysia has never supported Israel in its conflict with Palestine.
The foreign minister said this differed from Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, who said in an interview with the Wall Street Journal that he "supports all efforts to protect the security of the state of Israel."
"His statement clearly shows his acceptance and support for actions taken by Israel against Palestinians up to now.
"Actions interpreted as security measures by Israel include military attacks on Gaza causing the death of thousands of innocent Palestinians including women and children," the Kimanis MP said in a statement sent to The Malaysian Insider.
Actually, both the Najib government and Anwar Ibrahim have taken the correct political-economic action, but one which real intention has not been announced, namely, to please the USA by showing Malaysia (or an individual) is showing due reverence to the USA's master, Israel.
In reality, in the best case scenario, both Najib and Anwar don't give two figs about Israel's security, and I don't blame them. But Israel in her evil draconian behaviour has become a useful issue in mainly Muslim Malaysia for Najib and Anwar to label each other as being disloyal to the ummah wahida, and thus less Muslim and therefore not worthy of being voted by the Heartland into office as PM.
Anifah is merely playing semantics in claiming BN's policy towards Isra! el is le ss dark (or obsequious) than Anwar Ibrahim's, though I have to admit he (Anifah) has done it rather well.
My personal take is that, as mentioned above, Anwar Ibrahim is beholden to his supporters in the USA and people like his mate Paul Wolfowitz. He has to play a hypocritical or 'political' game (the latter if we want to be kinder to him).
Najib's UMNO on the other hand have been outright hypocritical, because their condemnation of Israel, if at all any in recent times, is hollow in the shade of their own behaviour towards the non-UMNO people, especially the non-Malays.
As I had written in a post a year ago, titled Why 1Malaysia = 1Israel as follows [extracts only – see post for more]:
Israel has always been a hated entity for Muslim Malaysians, because Muslim Malaysians feel an obligatory if not sympathetic requirement to do so, to stand in solidarity with their Muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine. In recent years I have come to share this dislike of Israel though my reasons are more specific than being obligatory or just sympathetic. I have been utterly appalled by Israel's blatant, unmitigated and feral racism.
Yesterday I posted … Neo-Nazis' 1935 'Nuremberg Laws' in Israel to highlight the Israelis' neo-Nazism. Isn't it just ironical that the so-called children of the Holocaust behave towards the Palestinians in exactly the same manner as the Nazi oppressors had towards their European forefathers! ...
But don't be surprised by the Israeli* savage and racist barbarism being similar to those demonstrated by the Nazis or white Afrikaans. One only has to open the Old Testament to read about the proclivity of their Israeli-Hebraic forefathers to murder, massacre and commit genocide against non-Hebrew tribes, to seize the latter's land and property and take their wives and daughters as slaves. The Hebrews-Israelites-Judeans-Israelis all shared/share the national characteristic of evil barbarism.
* note that not all Israelis or Jews are racist
Naturally the Judean (Israelis) authors creatively put all those acts of atrocity as approved by God, in the same way as our Biro Tatanegara indoctrinators have creatively written to justify ketuanan Melayu, and that the other races as lesser beings, undesirable and unclean for Malaysia – thus we get the mata sepets and kaki botols, and 'sons of Chinese prostitutes' and 'Indians leashed by their wrist like animals'.
Ironically, for a government which tells the Muslim Malays that Israel is to be condemned for its persecutions and oppressions of Palestinians, it behaves in an almost similar manner to the Israelis – I've underlined the word 'almost' because to be fair, Malaysia is not yet as bad as the evil Israeli rightwing government. But we worry for the future.
Nonetheless it's racist and plays on racist issues, to divide the people and conquer their support.
Maybe that's why Anwar's accusations of Najib's 1Malaysia have struck at the very core of Najib's (and UMNO's) heart, because it raises embarrassing questions about the parallel parochial policies of both 1Malaysia and 1Israel.
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