Racist golf membership in Subang ? (updated with clarifications)
.Someone sent me this photo. I don't know who took the photo or whether it is genuine.If it is true, then Kelab Golf Negara Subang needs to explain to the public why its membership is based on ethnicity ? Is there a racial quota for membership ? Or is the price scheme a mechanism to attract or dispel people from certain ethnic groups? Looking at the photo, the "lain-lain" seem to have the best deal.I don't play golf - so I do not know whether a Chinese golfer will damage the grass more or whether a Malay golfer will whack his caddy or whether an Indian golfer will fall asleep on the greens. Nevertheless I am curious to know why there is the price of membership differentiated based on race.Is the photo true ? Is the race-based membership true ? Anyone from KGNS care to explain ?Monyet King also saysRemember a few months ago - the hotel in KL that would not accept Malaysians or people from South Asia and the Middle east. The Ministry of Tourism and DBKL paid them a visit and told them to change that racist policy. In the case of KGNS, it would be interesting to see if the government would intervene. But then again, KGNS is home to many of the rich and famous, so don't expect either BN or Pakatan to care too much. But I would love to be proven wrong.Added laterKGNS has clarified. According to a report in the Malaysian Insider today, KGNS president Tan Sri Megat Najmuddin Megat Khas said the notice in the picture was put out by a finance company and had nothing to do with the club.However he said KGNS has racial quotas in place to "ensure a good mix of races in its membership". Due to the race quotas, a member can only sell his or her membership to a person of the same race but at any price they wished and the rates in the notice cou! ld be re flective of supply and demand among the different racial groups. The current quota at KGNS is Malays (45 per cent), Chinese (35 per cent) and Indians and others (20 per cent).Monyet King asks "why there is no quota for monyets ?" Read More @ Source
[Imam Nasi Minyak] . . *** Koleksi SoalJawab Dari Fanpage Facebook Ustaz Azhar. ..ape hukum tindik kt lidah or bibir ek ? -Ustaz Azhar Idrus ( Original ) haram sbb tiru budaya kafir.. ..Bagaimana nak cuci kemaluan org yg pki pempers sebab dia tk blh bangun -Ustaz Azhar Idrus ( Original ) tadah plastik kat bwh..jirus air seminima mungkin sampai bersih.. ..1) apakah hukumnya menegur kawan2 yang mendedahkan aurat? 2) Kalau hendak menegur, boleh secara sinis/langsung selepas ianya tidak mendengar nasihat halus dan berhemah? 3) berdasarkan soalan 2, kalau dia berkecil hati adakah saya berdosa... -Ustaz Azhar Idrus ( Original ) 1. wajib jika kita mampu 2. bolih langsung; bolih sindir 3. tak berdosa jika kita telah menegur dgn betul.. ..buleh x kita seksa diri kita, cth seksaan mksd sy mata kita ngantuk dh nk tidor, spa x larat dh..tp kita tahan jgok amboh tidor..adakah dikira menzalimi dri sendiri.? -Ustaz Azhar Idrus ( Original ) bukan zalim..degil ..sy slalu dpt msg yg psl islam la.. tp last2 msg tu ade ayt gini " insyaAllah dalam masa 2 minggu anda akan berolah kebahagiaan atau anda akan menimpa sesuatu yg buruk jika anda abaikan msg ini." ..kalau hok gini nk caye x?? yg sy dpt,kdang2 psl agama laa.. -Ustaz Azhar Idrus ( Original ) ngarut tu.. ..apakah jatuh haram melihat kanak2(masih belum baligh) tetapi berpakaian seksi cthnya sperti hanya bercoli/bseluar dalam.kanak2 ini sedang jamming *sy jupe dlm youtube.. -Ustaz Azhar Idrus ( Original ) lbh kurang 7 tahun ke bwh tak ... Video Rating: 5 / 5
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