Societies say no to Net censorship and media controls
Reject Internet censorship; repeal the PPPA and Sedition Act From the Centre for Independent Journalism and friends We are civil society groups alarmed by recent remarks from top ministerial personnel that revealed government intention to censor online free expression, from hints of cyber sedition regulations and the expansion of the Printing Presses and Publications Act (PPPA) to encompass the online media. We strongly protest any attempt to enlarge the scope of the PPPA, and reiterate our calls for the abolition of this law and the Sedition Act, as well as other overly restrictive laws that have no place in the modern, democratic society that Malaysia aspires to be. The PPPA has been so effective in shackling the press over the past decades, it is horrifying to think that its drastic provisions may be applied to Internet publications, spreading the chilling effect online. It is not difficult to imagine news sites requiring permits, as set by the Chinese example. And judging by numero...