
Showing posts from September, 2012

MIC insists Indian support up markedly

TEMERLOH, Sept 30 — MIC president Datuk Seri G. Palanivel emphasised that the Indian community's support of the government was increasing significantly as a result of the transformation programmes implemented by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak. Indians were being provided with more business and educational opportunities, he added. "Therefore, the Indian community is urged to continue supporting the Barisan Nasional government as it has proven that it cares for all Malaysians, regardless of race," Palanivel ( picture ) said. He was speaking at a Family Day organised by the Temerloh MIC Youth and Women movements, which was also attended by Temerloh Member of Parliament and Higher Education deputy minister, Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah. — Bernama Read More @ Source More » Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus | 大马社会政治

Utusan Malaysia to Malaysiakini: Apologise

September 30, 2012 Utusan Malaysia to Malaysiakini: Apologise Utusan Malaysia has called on Malaysiakini to "apologise" to all Malaysians over allegation that the news portal is financed by currency speculator George Soros. In Mingguan Malaysia – the weekend edition of Utusan Malaysia – today, Awang Selamat, a pseudonym for the paper's editors, also asked if Malaysiakini intends to cease being "a tool of foreigners". "With all the proof, do not claim to be an independent news portal. It is akin to shooting yourself in the foot. There is  still time for (the portal) to return back to the right path as this involves the sovereignty of the nation," wrote the unidentified columnist. He blamed the alleged foreign funders for the "anti-government" stories that he claimed were supportive of opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim. Utusan had been on a campaign running various allegations against Malaysiakini that include

PM Najib: Buku Jingga not worth the paper it's printed on

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak said Pakatan Rakyat's manifesto - the Buku Jingga - do not contain doable policies, unlike BN's policies which are proven. "Buku Jingga is not worth the paper it is written on," he said, in the same self-assured tone as his Budget 2013 speech, when officiating the 44th Gerakan national delegates conference today in Kuala Lumpur. Najib said that Pakatan's plans to abolish the Higher Education Loan Fund (PTPTN) would cost tax payers up to RM50 billion by 2020 and it was not feasible. He also rubbished Pakatan's plans to abolish tolled highways because it would cause the entire share market to collapse. "The toll concessionaires are all listed companies. (Abolishing tolls would cause) the entire Bursa Malaysia will collapse. The entire (share) market will collapse," he exclaimed. In contrast, Najib said that his policies, including the second phase of Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M 2.0) cash handouts, were not po

The Ryder Cup 2012: The US Team takes a Comfortable Lead

September 30, 2012 The Ryder Cup 2012: The US Team takes a Comfortable Leader by CNN Sports Two Ian Poulter-inspired victories offered Europe a glimmer of hope in their quest to retain the Ryder Cup after another day dominated by brilliance from the United States. Despite Poulter's heroics, David Love III's team took a commanding 10-6 lead with only the 12 singles match to come on Sunday. The last time a team came back from such a large deficit was at the infamous clash at Brookline in 1999 when Justin Leonard capped a superb fightback for the United States. But after taking five points from a possible eight on offer, Love's side are firmly in the driving seat and on course to record their first victory since 2008. Day Two of the Ryder Cup as it happened Sunday would have been a procession had it not been for England's Poulter, who revels in the matchplay format in the Ryder Cup and kept European captain Jose Maria Olazabal's dream alive. He made

Kit Siang: PM's budget tirade belies his fears

That Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's budget announcement on Friday  turned into an electioneering speech highlighted his underlying fears, says DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang. "It is evident that the 2013 Budget hides a very unconfident Najib who is haunted and hounded by the phobia that his fourth budget speech as finance minister may be the last Umno and BN budget in Parliament. "...Najib devoted more than 10 percent of his budget speech in a blatant electioneering appeal for continued support for Umno and BN while launching a most improper attack on Pakatan Rakyat," he said. Lim ( left ) questioned whether as premier, Najib had reflected "class" and "standard" by dedicated the last 14 paragraphs of his speech to glorify Umno and BN while condemning Pakatan. Chest thumping He also took a dig at the premier who during the budget speech quoted Plato's words -"The measure of a man is what he does with power" - in urging

Utusan Malaysia to Malaysiakini: Apologise

September 30, 2012 Utusan Malaysia to Malaysiakini: Apologise Utusan Malaysia has called on Malaysiakini to "apologise" to all Malaysians over allegation that the news portal is financed by currency speculator George Soros. In Mingguan Malaysia – the weekend edition of Utusan Malaysia – today, Awang Selamat, a pseudonym for the paper's editors, also asked if Malaysiakini intends to cease being "a tool of foreigners". "With all the proof, do not claim to be an independent news portal. It is akin to shooting yourself in the foot. There is  still time for (the portal) to return back to the right path as this involves the sovereignty of the nation," wrote the unidentified columnist. He blamed the alleged foreign funders for the "anti-government" stories that he claimed were supportive of opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim. Utusan had been on a campaign running various allegations against Malaysiakini that include

Himpunan in Pengerang to protest oil refinery

Protesters are now gathering in fishing village of Pengerang in Johor for the 'Himpunan Hijau Lestari Pengerang' (Pengerang Sustainable Green Rally) against a nearby oil refinery project. Local residents, led by the ad-hoc Pengerang NGOs Coalition, had complained that they were not consulted and they feared that the massive project would adversely impact the environment, their health and their livelihood. The RM60 billion Petronas Refinery and Petrochemical Integrated Development (Rapid) project would eventually occupy 9,000 hectares of land, affecting at least 15 villages in the area at the southern tip of Johor. However, local MP Azalina Othman had denied  that consultations were not held. The  protest  today, scheduled to kick off at 10am, is partly aimed to refute claims that the majority of locals are in favour of the project. They would first gather at two designated locations about one kilometre away from the venue, before marching to Dataran Sungai Rengit in Pen

PR-bashing in Budget speech reveals a SHIVERING Najib fearful of losing power

Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin's barefaced denial yesterday that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's 2013 Budget was an "election budget" illustrated what is wrong with the Malaysia Politics/Barisan Nasional government after 55 years in power – that the Umno/BN government leaders suffer from the dual terminal ailments of denial complex and unprecedented credibility gap. Even Malaysia Politics/Barisan Nasional Ministers, MPs and members would not believe Muhyiddin's brazen denial that Najib's 2013 Budget was not an "election budget". Why then is the Deputy Prime Minister making a denial that is completely bereft of credibility, whether in Pakatan Rakyat or Barisan Nasional camps? The only answer is that Malaysia Politics/BN leaders continue to suffer from the false sense that they could transform Malaysian politics into a world of make-believe and get ordinary Malaysians to believe what the Malaysia Poli

No to International Mediator Role, says Dr. Mahathir

September 30, 2012 No to International Mediator  Role, says Dr. Mahathir by Bernama NEW YORK: Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has ruled out taking up the role of an international mediator similar to the ones performed by former British Prime Minister Tony Blair or United States (US) President Jimmy Carter. He said this during an informal meeting with Malaysian students on Saturday at the Malaysian United Nations (UN) mission in New York. After the conferring of the Rafik Hariri United Nations Habitat Memorial Award on Mahathir Friday night, some guests were privately asking if he would not make a good mediator for resolving international disputes, given his wide-ranging international experience and his elder statesman status. "No, I don't think I am qualified for such a role," he told Bernama, adding in a lighter vein that the "world will not listen to me and people will do what they like…so, I would discount such a role." Mahathir

BN VIEWPOINT: Urbanisation of the political landscape - a key factor in GE13

WITHOUT doubt, the 2013 Budget,   unveiled on Friday, touched virtually every Malaysian -- the young and the old, the poor and the middle-income group. But what is more telling is the challenge confronting policymakers in formulating this, and subsequent budgets, given the arduous task of managing Malaysia as a successful nation. Rising population, accelerated urbanisation and rapid rural-urban migration have reshaped Malaysia's demographic profile, as well as people's needs and lifestyles. These factors are having a huge impact on the political landscape and government policies. Undoubtedly, Malaysia is fast emerging as an urban society. When we gained independence in 1957, only 11 per cent of Malaysians lived in urban areas. This had risen sharply to 34 per cent in 1980 and 72 per cent last year. As such, there is pressing demand for better jobs, shelter, schools and efficient public transport in cities. Supply of affordable housing has not